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RE: Best Way to Go About Building Deposit Monitoring Scripts for STEEM?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Also, Side note (Piston Related) does anyone have the sourcecode available for the bot functionality to call a bot or script it in comments sections?

He also had one about a dickbutt bot that would comment dickbutt pics any time someone said dickbutt.

also, i think you can do something similar with transactions, no? that is to say steem.stream_transactions

Also, you could check the account history every X seconds too, i think.... that is to say, of getting a whole block every three seconds, parsing it, and searching through it for your transactions, you can get_account_history every three seconds, and just look for new transactions... then again, i know shit about programming so maybe im talking out of my ass.


You are thinking the right way though. Thank you for the resources!

I am experimenting with piston based stuff at the moment. Python isn't my strongest programming language but it's nice to challenge yourself to learn new things.

Thanks sir

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