Giving a big up to the good people!

in #life6 years ago


Not sure how many months back it was.

As we all make our own perception, as we all make life as good as we want, anywhere we go, I would like to highlight a superb individual.

6 hours ago Received 10.000 STEEM from edgarare1 Hello my dear friend @shepz1, I´m just want to give you back the steem you loaned me months ago when @crypto.piotr helped Venezuela. I will never forget your support.. Now my RC are ok and happy to help more people on the Steemit communnity.. have an amazing time... Yours, Edgar...!!!

I never actually loaned that, it was a pure gift, though the excellent person that is @edgarare1 waited a few months, became able to send it back, and did so, there really is hope.

Now that really is my kind of soul, thank you my friend, check your wallet on here I am sending you 1000 tpy, just for being you, shine on, you diamond you.


Looks like you were just one day off from a three being in the number of the next big tragedy, nine days short of the 23. One day earlier and it would have been on the 13th. You were though spot on about the 3rd month.

15 - 03 - 2019 1 + 5 = 6, + 3 = 9 yes

then 2019 2 +1 =3, +9 = 12 yes.

9 + 12 = 21

I said the 22 of the 3rd as in 322 masonry, add the 9 to the 12, and I was one day out, note to self, I must do better. :-)

I say you did pretty darn good just guessing the month!

They have not finished yet, I still think Paris or London is next, and it will be a Muslim this time, to heighten racial tension, they want a war, Albert Pikes war, Christians v Muslims, only way to do it is engineer it. I will still go with the 22nd of this month.

I hope not but you got me stirred with this uncanny third month prediction then something actually happened.

Yes noted that one taking place today, the big one though is yet to come.

Told you the next false flag would be a Muslim :-)

Notice how it barely got news coverage, guess they couldn't blame Trump for it this time. The NZ tragedy is getting more coverage still then who, what, when and where of the Netherlands.

I get the feeling it went wrong, and the patsy backed out, maybe realizing he had live bullets, not blanks.

Muy buen gesto! estas son las acciones que hacen grande a los seres humanos; siempre que tengamos la disposiciòn de colaborar, grafificar, dar gracias y bendecir al pròjimo tendremos una recompensa aunque no necesariamente sea material.

Gracias por su amabilidad.

Some good people still here like @edgarare1 and including you also @shepz1. Hope you have an awesome day mate :-)

Posted using Partiko Android

Cheers my friend, wishing you a superb day also, max respect my ozy friend.

Thanks buddy I appreciate it.

Posted using Partiko Android

P.S. 1000 tpy in your wallet.

Cheers mate thank you very much :-)

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you so much for your great comment @j85063 ..

I´m motivated for the support,

Yeah, @shepz1 is awesome ...

Thanks god they are many good people in this world ...

I'm hesitant about whom to congratulate first.

@edgarare1. You left me speechless. I also received that same support and it never occurred to me to return it. Besides, you did it discreetly. You never expected recognition for this act. Edgar: you are great, brother!

@shepz1. Brother, you are light!
People like you are what make living in steemit a sublime experience.
For you I only have one huge: THANKS!

Hello my friend @juanmolina ..

Thanks a lot for your amazing comment, I really appreciate your words ...!!

All the credits are for my friend @shepz1 because he is an amazing person !!

thats really cool, im now folowing this good human

Thanks a lot my friend @movingman for your follow...

I´m just came and visit your profile and just upvote some of your incredible post....

Thank you so much...!!

Hello my dear friend @shepz1,

I actually feel a little bit shy, because you made an incredible post mentioned me as an excellent person.

Thanks a lot for your support and being a great person too, you will always receive the best in your life for your gratitud to others...

Thank you so much for your new gift and transfer to the wallet...!! That´s awesome...!!!

I feel very honored for his great detail

Are you on gab matey? Add me if you are...

I will be, just need a little time over the weekend to sort it out, got a lot on at the mo though.

no worries -- I wanna chat off this place, to you ...have some vague ideas..
a day or two is good for me, no worries - any time.
(gives me time to solidify my thoughts!lol)

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