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RE: On the Run and On the Move, Part 1: The Mad Scramble to Prepare to Leave Detroit

in #life8 years ago

Being a dog lover myself, that's heartbreaking. How do you like Acapulco? I've been considering a move to Mexico or another Spanish-speaking country in Central or South America.


I love everything about Acapulco save for the climate, which has grown on me. I was born during one of the worst snow storms in my area, so I've got a soft spot for the cooling tempuratures this time of year.
In terms of person to person interaction, I love it. It's the closest I've found to true anarchic living. The people here are friendly and worthy of respect. Cost of living is dirt cheap, and if you're a dog lover you'll love there's sometimes more dogs here than people.

Thanks for your reply. My girlfriend is afraid to visit because she thinks it's too dangerous. How would you respond to that statement considering you live there?

It's the only major city I've lived in where I can wander around drunk, alone at three in the morning without any issue. You see young women on weekend nights, walking alone in club clothes to catch a taxi. There are predators here, but I've honestly never had a problem.
The worst I've gotten is some guys from Mexico city trying to pay me to go to a club with them, just because they wanted to be seen with the pretty gringo chick.

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