the benefits of green tea for health and beauty

in #life6 years ago

Green tea is one of the most consumed types of tea after black tea. The taste of green tea itself is not much different from the black tea that we often consume. But it turns out the price for green tea is slightly more expensive than regular tea. This is because green tea has a high content of antioxidants called polyphenols and low in caffeine. Antioxidants themselves are compounds that can help nourish our body, such as tightening the skin and prevent it from signs of premature aging.

Many studies have shown that regular consumption of green tea can reduce the risk of heart disease, healthy psychic because the effects of tea itself can be used to calm. In addition to polyphenols, green tea also contains flavonoids, phytochemicals that have anticarcinogenic and antioxidative properties.

In addition the benefits of tea leaves are also used in some health products, such as green tea extracts on beauty products. There are also diet tips that encourage people who go on a diet to consume daily green tea every day to help burn the body fat. In one cup 150ml green tea, can burn 25-30 calories, and every 250 ml of tea can burn 40 calories. Although the diet with green tea is not too significant, but if balanced with exercise and dietary settings will certainly accelerate the diet program.

Here are some benefits of green tea for the health of our bodies that we must understand.

Benefits of Green Tea for Health and Beauty

  1. Maintain healthy skin

As mentioned above, green tea contains polyphenols and other antioxidants. consuming green tea every day will help nourish the skin, avoiding the skin from premature aging, the appearance of fine lines on the face, tighten the skin, eliminate dull on the face.

  1. Avoiding the risk of baldness

Hair health problems are most common in women. The problem of hair loss and fracture is caused due to lack of nutritious hair. This is where the role of green tea that helps menutris hair. Therefore there are some shampoo and hair care products that use green tea extract.

  1. Eliminate acne

One of the benefits of tea mask is to overcome acne on the face. Acne is a facial problem that is often caused by a blockage in the skin pores. One factor is caused by dust and pollution that makes the face becomes dull due to dirt and cause acne appears. Therefore the most effective way is to use a green tea mask to remove acne. In addition, if you want simple, look for facial cleaning products containing green tea extract.

  1. Lose weight

The benefits of green tea to lose weight is not foreign anymore, Many diet programs that encourage to consume green tea to accelerate the burning of fat in the body. In one cup 150ml green tea, can burn 25-30 calories, and every 250 ml of tea can burn 40 calories. Although the diet with green tea is not too significant, but if balanced with exercise and dietary settings will certainly accelerate the diet program.

  1. Set blood sugar pressure

In the world of medicine, especially those using herbs such as chinese medicine. Green tea has a function to regulate blood sugar pressure. Consumption of green tea every day in addition to healthy outer parts such as skin, also nourish the inside of our body.

  1. Green tea reduces cancer risk

The content of antioxidants in green tea, believed to be better than vitamin E content. This high anti-oxidant function also helps to nourish every cell in our body and avoid cancer risk due to the consumption of foods containing many harmful chemicals every day. The benefits of green tea to reduce cancer risk can be seen in the following data;

a. Breast cancer

One type of cancer that occurs in many women, observational study analysis states that women who like to drink green tea have 22% lower risk compared to women who do not consume green tea.

b. Prostate Cancer

The most common cancer in men is a serious threat to every man. If you want to reduce the risk, regularly drink green tea because studies conducted states that men who drink green tea have a 48% lower risk than men who do not consume green tea.

c. Colorectal Cancer

This study is expressed from an analysis of 69710 wannites in China. From the study stated that green tea drinkers have a 57% lower risk of developing colorectal cancer than people who do not drink green tea.

  1. Reduce the resiki of heart disease and cholesterol

Green tea helps prevent damage to our body channels that lead to important organs such as heart and brain. The content in this green tea will help the menu

  1. Green tea to ward off free radicals

Ever notice why Japanese women who are still aged still beautiful, have a seductive body, and still looks toned ?. Secrets of Japanese women's beauty can not be separated from the tradition of drinking their green tea. It's no secret that consuming green tea will help you win free radicals that cause premature aging. So have a lot of proof the benefits of green tea for beauty, when to start to drink green tea routinely ?.

  1. Improve the performance and ability of the brain

Green tea is not only beneficial for the outside of our body only. But green tea is believed to improve the performance of our brain. Green tea contains caffeine like coffee, but in smaller sizes. The content of caffeine is not too big it was more safe for our health. This caffeine content will help improve the working ability of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and noreponephrine, in addition to memory and brain reflex ability to be better.

  1. Green tea lowers the risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's

Surely you are familiar with these two diseases. Both are related to the health of our body's nervous system. Alzheimer's is caused by a blockage, often due to a blockage of head fat, which causes the sufferer to have dementia and lose the ability to control motor function. While Parkinson is a disease that causes sufferers decreased motor ability. The signs of the body often tremble when not beraktifitas.

But apparently both of these diseases can be shunned by routinely consume green tea. This is because of the content of catechins that help build defense systems in neurons, especially in the brain.

  1. Relieve headaches

Have you had a headache and been taking medication but it does not stop? From now on away the medicine and start to drink tea to relieve headaches. In fact many people are cured just by drinking tea. Serve one glass of warm tea, try tea brewed instead of pockets and still shaped tea leaves. As previously noted, if green tea has the benefit of helping to calm.

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