Of Slouchy Hats and Lincoln Logs

in #life7 years ago





We had a bit of fun at the library last night while my eldest attended Anime Club. My littlest and I built with Lincoln Logs. We have these at home, but she’d somehow never used them. It was fun showing her how to link them together and watching her come up with her own creation. She was so proud she had me take pictures for her dad.

She also stole my slouchy hat and rocked it far better than I do. Since my hair is short, my head gets cold. This is the first year I’ve taken to ski caps. They are comfy, cozy and cute. I even wear them while I work out!

I’m looking forward to pulling the Lincoln Logs out at home today. First things first—I set up a Girl Scout event for the three troops at my kids’ school. Yoga and meditation with my favorite instructor. I’ll be writing more about her soon. Specifically, I want to share being out of my body and how she got me back in it.

What’s happening in your world today?


Best wishes for your little princes. You are such a great mom.

Today I went to doctor for sickness. Feeling better now. Thanks for your post. Waiting for your updates. God bless you @shawnamawna.

I am so very glad you are feeling better. You are such a light.

Taking my 3 year old to his first ever soccer practice tonight! This is his first group activity, so I am excited and nervous!

I love lincoln logs, but completely forgot about them. I have to find some now...lol

How did it go? And have you found any Lincoln Logs? I need to remind my daughter we have some at home.

It went as well as can be expected. Forgetting many times not to pick the ball up and only kicking is allowed!

I found some Lincoln Logs on Amazon, but they are surprisingly expensive!

We had one of those, 'kids start fighting with each other before I had my coffee' sort of mornings. Admittedly I didn't handle it very well. =(

But that's parenthood right. Can't get it perfect.

I appreciate your posts. It's nice to get the reminders to stay tuned in with my kids and different ways I can do that.

Oh dear. No, it's never perfect. It's always exhausting. But when they sleep, it seems perfect, yes?

Lincoln Logs are so fun! My boys don't really care for them though, they prefer LEGOs :)

Today we are watching more of the Olympics. My kiddos, especially the 7 year old, are hooked on these games!

I always love LEGOs as a kid. I didn't have much experience with Lincoln Logs until I had kids of my own. Now I love building with them as well as K'nex. Not sure why, but we don't actually own any K'nex. We do have plenty of wooden blocks, though.

My world did not really go as I planned,but it was great.... All thanks to God...

I woke up in the morning, feeling weak, tired and hungry.... A friend brought his faulty PC and he really needed my help in fixing it.. It was a dell latitude E5410.

Initially, I wanted to ask him to go but I'm not a type of person that says no when my help is needed because I derived great joy in solving others problems and putting a smile on someone's face.

I diagnosed the problem and realized it was the fan. I removed it, got a new fan, fixed it and the PC was working well. The smile on his face lit my day and I felt so happy. The happiness took the hunger away such that I didn't feel like eating breakfast again...

This motivated me to do other things that was not in my day's schedule like running a mentorship class for some students living around. ... The class was about self discipline. At the end of the class, I realized I've also learnt a lot of things.

Initially, my day was scheduled for article writing on AMBIDEXTERITY, but I had to suspend it to help a friend in need and help others learn something new... I had to prune my activities for something that gave OTHERS more joy

I love that you found happiness through helping a friend even when you were feeling weak and hungry. Were you able to get food? Are you rested now? I am thinking of you, Steemit friend.

After fixing the problem,the hunger was not felt any longer... However I did eat and had my rest after the mentorship session.
Thank you ma'am for being a source of inspiration to me

I love this! I take my grandsons to the library sometimes and they LOVE to play with the big building blocks they have there. It's awesome to have a whole new environment to play in!

I have been trying to be introspective today, but I've also been writing fictional stuff, too. I'm kinda running around like a chicken with it's head cut off lately. Not sure which direction I'm going. :)

I love that there are so many learning options at the library. My youngest only occasionally wants to dive into books. She and my middle child much prefer to create. My oldest is a bookworm. What that boils down to is 5 years of me chasing kids around the library until they added the blocks and other options for my little engineers. :)

I guess you and your little pretty queen had a beautiful moment together.

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