What Makes You Happy? ...

in #life6 years ago

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Here is a challenge to you to be happy … Huh! … Research shows that the most common ways to find joy is by doing things for others, connecting with people and taking care of your body.

There is a vital connection between happiness and wellness as positive emotions help you feel good, do good and live longer, healthier life …

You can find happiness by doing the things you already do - the things that matter to be healthier, safer and on top of your finances …

Good Mood Food …

They say you are what you eat. When you eat badly, you feel badly. When you eat well, you feel great! Commit to feeling good all the time by eating clean ...

Eating clean means eating food that is natural, processes and toxin free, which comes with a whole list of health benefits - from increased energy levels, higher productivity, reduced stress, better sleep and cleaner skin.

Budget for Happiness …

Money tends to make us happy (especially on pay day). Here’s how you can spend money on the things that matter to you and invest in your happiness …

Good budgeting doesn’t just mean spending less. It’s about spending smarter. Stop wasting money on unnecessary purchases that add very little value to you life and to rather use that money on what makes you happy.

Before purchasing anything. Ask yourself …

  • Is this going to be useful?
  • Does it serve a purpose?
  • What value does it serve?
  • Do I really need this?
  • Can I afford this?

Track your spend

The first step is to know how you’re spending your money. Keep a record of what you spend your money on.

Challenge yourself

Once you know exactly how you’re spending your money, try to give up one unnecessary expense every month. Save more – while having fun.

Studies show that setting goals and working towards them releases dopamine, another happy hormone that makes us feel invigorated and motivated.

Now that you’re spending less on something you don’t need, you can use that money on something that matters to you and makes you happy – a gym membership, a dinner reservation at that new restaurant you’ve been wanting to try or saving towards a family holiday.

Holiday brings Peace of Mind …

Having a holiday makes you happier … Taking time off is a must …

  • It’s good for your brain …
  • Having a holiday relaxes you …
  • Taking a break makes you more productive ...
  • A change of pace boosts creativity …
  • You will avoid the risk of a burnout …

Think of a holiday as a reset ...


The goal is to constantly work on a better version of yourself. This will contribute to living a happier life.

  • Eat healthier ...
  • Exercise regularly ...
  • Spend your money wisely …
  • Take some down time ...

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To my fellow Steemians,
Thanks for being here. You're awesome and I appreciate you …


Cool, thanks for sharing. In the end, life is short, why not be happy, right?

Hey @honghanhvt1182, True!, there is many things to be thankful for ... 🧐

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