Tears Of Joy: OMG @valblomqvist You Are Such A Sweatheart.

in #life7 years ago

You made me cry second time in a row dear @valblomqvist. Yesterday they were tears of melancholy, today they are tears of joy. I am so happy that my writings here inspired you to bring smiles to these street children. Actually my next blog post was planned to be on “My First Tears Of Guilt,”* but @valblomqvist, you gifted me those tears of joy, so I had no choice but to honor your request. So here I am dedicating this post to @valblomqvist.

I didn’t know if my generous $1+ upvotes were going to “shell accounts to blockchain spammers/scammers”, until the new knowledge was bestowed on me by an honest Steemian. I don’t know, as accused, if @valblomqvist account is also a shell account. I don’t know if my $1+ upvotes indeed helped her buy food for the homeless kids. I also don’t know about the credibility of this picture or her statement when she wrote:

“my first SBD spend on child food homeless ❤ maybe this original picture can help for the cause and you can make a nice post !!”

And, I don’t even want to know, because I believe in “Trust Begets Trust”. No one is born criminal (except those rare ones with an extra Y chromosome I guess), and @valblomqvist is certainly not one of those. But until my conscience resolves the ethics of my generous $+1 votes, no upvotes please.

I believe that if I start trusting you, at some point of time your conscience will eventually compel you to not betray my trust, even if you met me with malicious intent. It has so far worked well in conducting my life. And, even if one hardened soul fails my theory, what do I got to lose? A few dollars that anyway I am not going to carry to my grave.

Hey @valblomqvst I trust you. And, thank you for for gifting me those precious tears of joy. I love you ☺


lovely post thanks for share upvoted n reestem.

Wow i didet spect this but really thx
I hope that this post makes people understand that if everyone can do a little for this world to be better even if it is for a few seconds, and without expecting anything in return. (Even if its Divine )
I believe that this initiative must continue. Not for the upvote or for the $ 1 you share, but because it is something that makes you feel good each day that you share. Same feeling when you Share with a friend with the family or with someone you dont know who has hungry.

Yes it is possible that there are some spammers or people who are not so creative and who are still learning the process of love. But I do not think that's why we have to discriminate them because otherwise we would be doing the opposite that we posted.
they are the Beg or not to beg from the NET .

I also believe that Yes there is a need for behavioral norms like @sharonomics, post previously
so for example one of the main rules can be user must be minimum lvl 25 to be able to get the payment share from upvote
If user its spammer or scammer most likely he will be under that lvl so he has to choose to make a new account and start to do things better, or go somewhere else .

Spammers Scammer or Fake people will just one day become Creative people has well.
if we teach them with love the right direction .

amazing post tnx for share.. really super.upvoted

excellent this is the actitud !!!
@sharonomics i guess some people must find the path of light
we are bringing light to the darkness no one sad this was going to be easy
if i can help you out understand something else about your self please find your cross here:.. and i will point you some nice reading


The users who received the @cheetah flags on your previous post were @rik432, @ratul8940 and @rahul72. I do not believe @valblomqvist to be a spammer. I did not mean to imply that EVERYONE who resteemed/commented on your previous post was a spammer! I was just confused as to why I was seeing so many people showing up to resteem, and confused as to why I saw these flags - typically @cheetah only auto-flags comments from people when they are really serial abusers of the blockchain. Anywhoo - if you want to be safe, just click into the votes that a comment has received and make sure you don't see a flag/downvote from @cheetah before you give your upvote to that account. Again really sorry for any confusion and hurt feelings. I appreciate your honest responses and I appreciate that you are trying to do good in the world and here on Steem. Much love - Carl

EDIT - I see the same users showed up here as well. Check out @cheetah's FAQ - users do not get put on the @cheetah blacklist to receive auto-flags unless they are really seriously abusing the blockchain, and this determination is made manually by @steemcleaners. I have never yet seen @steemcleaner's judgement to be wrong and those good folks know what they are doing. Do what you will with this information, but it seems like a good chunk of the people that are showing up to resteem your posts are here because of these users (see @ratul8940's comment below calling for his followers to resteem - this account has a 2 REP! In case you don't know, REP starts at 25 and can only be decreased by flagging) Many of these other accouns may in fact be "shell" or "sock" accounts, multiple accounts all controlled by one user. Most likely they know they can count on you to give out these nice upvotes for just showing up here to resteem. Unfortunately it can be pretty hard to tell if a user is a real user or not, I don't have a magic solution to this. For sure you can avoid the three accounts listed above, and double check to make sure that anyone else you upvote has not received auto-flag from @cheetah. I am sorry you are having to deal with this, particularly if you don't know anything about it!

I hope this clears things up a little. Let me know if you have any questions. You can also try reaching out to @steemcleaners to see why these particular users have been blacklisted and what their particular scam is.

Good post, thanks for sharing
have a nice day @sharonomics

My dear friend some day you doing greet work and today you create nice article.

upvote and resteem

Everytime i give you a upvote and resteem your post.

really mind touch blog. i like it..upvoted


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