Ethics Is Never About Always Doing The Right Thing

in #life7 years ago

Experience of the last couple of days has been quite eye opening for me. My conscience went on a roller coaster ride. Here’s the gist of it:

One of the few things I’ve learnt from life is that most of the altruistic concepts that we come to know aren’t really as selfless in their real life practice as they are made out to in theory. Even puritanical concepts like loving, sharing, giving, charity, so on and so forth, are not precluded from the egotistic deceits that we as human beings are capable of. Ethics is sure one of them.

If I say “Ethics Is Never About Always Doing The Right Think”, it will offend plenty of souls who will write me off as an idiosyncratic weirdo. But hey guys before you judge me based on those words that are quoted out of context just grasp the thought that follows those words:

It’s Always About Doing The Right That's Convenient.

I know if circumstances dictate anyone of us to do a righteous thing, which puts us to material, social and emotional risk, we will not do it. We will only do what is convenient.

So basically I am saying, although what we know of ethics in theory is about the concepts of right and wrong, but if doing the right thing becomes so difficult that it puts your own life or livelihood at risk, whould you still do it? The answer is an unequivocal NO.

Even if you are the most righteous person you will do what is convenient. That’s not to say there isn’t a soul that walked this earth, who always did the right thing even if it meant personal ruin. They rise beyond humanity and become saints.

The philosophy also reflects on my thought on sharing:

To Share Is Human
To Expect Nothing In Return Is Divine.


We are humans and not devine.

In the life that I’ve lived, one thing I have ardently followed. I’ve neither involved myself or let my money in any way be invested in activities that I ethically don’t align with. Although they may be legitimate businesses, I’ve always made sure that my investments whether direct or indirect never went to businesses that engage in arms, tobacco, alcohol, pornography, etc. Scamming is definitely something that I will keep miles away from me.

That’s not to say that any of my followers / supporters are guilty as charged. That also does not negate what I wrote in one of my previous blogs:
“I live in a world where every man I meet is a gentleman unless proven otherwise. That’s how our world remains functional and happy place”

I am here to promote a good cause. The very purpose of that cause - to empower the impoverished - will be defeated if charity did not begin at home. This has been my home for the previous 3 months.

To me helping a homeless street child does not mean throwing a few bucks at him to secure his place on street, unrescued from his life of beggary. It means rehabilitating him. It means bringing him to the mainstreem. It means empowering him to a life of dignity and self-respect.

In the same spirit I am not going to ask or investigate whether anyone of those accused is indeed a scammer or not. But, I am also not going to walk away leaving them to a life of scamming without doing my part.

While scamming is certainly the last thing I would have anything to do with, rehabilitating those who got into it knowingly, unknowingly or accidentally is certainly a challenge I am willing to take up. So here are the incentives I am willing to offer to anyone who chooses to make his/her online life more honest and productive and stay away from scamming:

  1. I have talked to my friends/collaborators at Autonio, and they have agreed to let you start using their platform for free if you wish to learn to make a decent and honest living. @bitbulls will soon post in that regards.

  2. If the AlgoShare technology that we will soon launch empowers the impoverished, it certainly creates opportunities for the rest. You can become one of the first beneficiaries for generating honest income. You will soon know how it works.

  3. I have also decided to move some of my crypto holdings to Steemit, which means considerably more Steem Power and influence. I can share that influence for any legitimate purpose that comes up like rehabilitating Steemians back from their life of spam & scam, but certainly not $1+ rewards if it is obvious to me it might be going to fund any “resteem ring.”

  4. Although I don’t believe in policing anyone, but those who avail any of the above entitlements, I will ask my office to keep a tab on maintaining legitimacy.

This is my humble attempt to make it convenient for everyone to do the right thing. If you agree with me, keep following me, supporting me, upvoting me, resteeming me for the gratification you earn from my initiatives, and not for fueling any unscrupulous activities.
Cheers :)


You rock. What a great response. (and I am sorry about "pride" and "stubborn" comments - shouldn't have said that and I apologize. A moment of weakness on my part. Forgive me).

I am going to be here to support you 100% now. To be honest, I always wanted to support you but just couldn't in good conscience before. Now you have made that decision easy. Thank you. Much love - Carl

I hope you don't mind a $0.93 upvote. I can't help it, generosity is in my blood LOL

No need for apology dear. I was just wondering which expression of mine made you conclude that. You were politest of my critics. And, honestly I didn't think you would appreciate my decision so much, because I am still not giving up on any spammers/scanners if at all there are any. In fact offering them a lot more than those $1+ votes. Hahaha

Not sure though if they would take on my offer to turn their lives around :(

Yeah it is a very generous offer and I hope some people take you up on it. And it is also much more inline with your overall philosophy RE doing something to actually help the root problem and not just toss cash at it as a short term fix that perpetuates it. People will resteem your posts if they want to, as it should be, and you can use your SP in other ways to foster engagement and community on platform. I think this is a win/win. Much love - Carl

"To Share Is Human
To Expect Nothing In Return Is Divine."

The funny thing is what was going on before was the exact antithesis of this. If people want to resteem your post, that is sharing and it is awesome. And it should be done because they want to do it - now we are actually living this quote that you have shared. And it is a beautiful quote. It encapsulates the "gift economy" that Steem should be. I am going to promote your work here to the best of my ability. Thanks for engaging with me and thinking this through and coming to what I think is a much better course of action. And thank you for staying civil and polite through every exchange, an ideal that I think I may have fallen short of from time to time in my own interactions with you despite my best intentions.

Dear all. Thank you for commenting, upvoting and resteeming. I made a big decision on dealing with a difficult ethical question. I was expecting more comments on the fairness of that decision. I only got two so far from @valblomqvist and @ormus. Both of them like it. Others are welcome to speak out for or against.

I also appreciate @marcoagarcia3rd's thinking on ethical investing. For the same reason I'll keep away from Monero. Privacy of user is one thing, and making it a vehicle of illegality is quite another.

If you need any Original Photos or Spanish translation
any thing how i can help let me know.

Thanks, every support counts as we make progress.

sure any thing let me know
about the inversion on steem you comment in your post
i have a question you think its a good time to buy more steem power when price its 2$ for oneSteem ? or better to wait ?
i have some income from mining i am planning to invest on Steemit
i really aprecite to be part of your team and your trust

Well I am not a full time investor. I have some coins sitting in my bitcoin wallet which I don't intend to sell, so I thought I'll keep it here instead. So I am not doing it from profit making objective. And I think I mentioned earlier that I am here for a mission and not to make money. That is another reason I don't do any calculations when I upvote any post or comment as I am doing now to your comment LOL

Shortly I am going to post about how technology can impact the increasing wealth gap between the rich and the poor. Check it out and then decide if you want become a believer and join our Prosperism movement.
EDIT: BTW out of respect to @carlgnash I am not doing a $1+ upvote LOL

all cool thx i was just curious about it
sound amazing i hope i can be part of it !!
Edit: dont worry about upVote is my pleasure to be here .

Yes i can also help with photos and French Translation xD aahahah

I didn't know you can also speak French!!

Oui très bien xD


hahahaha no its not lol

Hey I wanted to mention something from seeing some of the interactions here - I sure hope you don't think I am going to be policing or judging you for giving an upvote to a poster who makes an intelligent comment that adds something to the discussion and who you are confident is a real live human being :) Shoot, I ENCOURAGE upvoting good commenters. I use the @r-bot account to go around and look for good commenting to upvote from time to time as one of the @r-bot core mission statements is to support good commenting.

There is a world of difference between knowing you can receive what amounts to a $5 US bill (at current STEEM / SBD valuation) just for showing up at your post and spamming a comment along the lines of "upvoted and resteemed - thanks for good post" or whatever, and the kind of commenting I am seeing happening here between people sharing real human interactions. Much love - Carl

Good morning @sharonomics
i am happy to read you
i think your decision its the most lovely and clever one
i am really exited about been part of Algoshare and Autonio
If you need any thing let me know i will be always supporting

@valblomqvist: Thank you for your support. It means a lot to me :)

I think your project can make many people happy like me !!
We have to fight for it !!!

I am happy to know that you are happy. We don't have to fight dear. We will win with love, patience and tolerance :)

yeah much better hahah
i like that xD peace & love ❤❤

Hello @sharonomics
i think you made the right decision
we can do something different and still be the right thing
have a good day !!

This post has received gratitude of 1.00 % from @jout

You got a 0.33% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of @jout!

Follow, upvote and Restreemed

My friend very nice writing and good post.Some day you doing greet job.

upvote and resteem

really super blog..

Thats really good post.thanks for sharing.resteem it

nice post on ethic upvoted.

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