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in #life6 years ago


Hello my Fellow Steemians!

It's nice to be back and let the creative vibes flow. I was gone for several days due to family events and sickness, but it's GREAT to be back on Steemit with you all :)

Over the past few days the one subject that kept coming up was about "family". Recently I have lost a few member in both my direct and extended family. It's been challenging, especially for my parents. These are people that they have known for decades, since the early 60's. They've all grown older together watching their children and now their grandchildren grow up before their very eyes.

What does it mean to be a family? Everyone's idea of what a family varies. For me, growing up with not only my mom and dad, but with my aunts, uncles, God-parents, cousins, nieces, nephews, half-brother & sisters, God-children, and our dearest friends made up my family. One of my oldest and best buddies, also my man-of-honor at my wedding from college, jokes with me all the time that I need a "Devil Wears Prada" binder with all my family members. He's joking, but serious at the same time, lol. The more I think about it, making a family compendium truly would make sense. If I do, I'll show you guys one day.


When I was younger I wanted to create a family tree. I'm sure I did in lower school, but that was a couple decades ago and who knows where that gem has gone to. Also I'm sure what I created back in the day was a simple link between my parents, grandparents, and direct relatives. The kind of family tree I want to make would be more elaborate, filled with descriptive details of each family member, and lot's of photos. I feel that this would result in multiple volumes spanning generations.........or maybe not. You never know. I

Some if not most Families are complex. There are blood relatives that you love to death and some that you find yourself wondering. Then you have your friends whom you've created this everlasting bond with over the years so naturally they become part of your family. Can't forget about the love of your life, husband, wife, or whatever they are to you....your life partner...and most importantly if you're blessed to have any, your children who are a gift. All these wonderful and crazy people are part of this one big unit we call family.

They are the support system that we rely on when we have lost our way. They are the people that drive you insane and sometimes you have to tell yourself...."I love them no matter how unreasonable they are being right now...I love them". They are the ones who randomly buy you french macarons, because they were just thinking of you and they knew you have a secret love.......okay not so much a of french macarons ;) They are there to get you through your worst days of your life just by simply being there. A touch, a simple gesture of a "thank you", a big bear hug, or saying 3 of the most powerful words...I Love You...brings the biggest smile to anyone's face and just makes you feel so good inside. It's so uplifting that your start to radiate all those warm and fuzzy feelings. Families have this impenetrable force that when used for the betterment of themselves and all those around them can move mountains or simply put make an impact in a persons life.


There is no wrong or right way to define what makes a family. Some families are comprised of people your not even related to by blood. They can even be closer than those that are considered legally your kin. It's that mutual respect and genuine love, affection, and concern for their well being that each person has for one another. That is what solidifies the familial relationship.

Of course for some "blood is thicker than water". They have this unbreakable bond with each member of their maternal and/or paternal families. For some brothers and sisters they are their go to person if they need advise, a shoulder to cry on, or overall "person" (Grey's Anatomy reference to Dr. Meredith Grey and Dr. Christina Yang's bff relationship). You like them and sometimes you hate them, but you will always love them....for the most part.


Your parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, or guardians.....the ones who raised and loved you unconditionally....are family. My mom and dad are 2 of the most importantly people in my life. I honestly have been so blessed to have 2 amazing role-models growing up. Granted they are not perfect....far from it, but the truth one is. We are all perfectly imperfect and that is awesome.


My husband, my pillar, my "Captain America" (Yes...Big MARVEL Fan and even bigger Captain America fan here!) is the love of my life. He is my family....of course I have other wonderful- fabulous members of my family, but you know what I mean. He is the person that no matter how my day went, just seeing him, being in the same vicinity of him, and just feeling his love when he looks at me.....(Yeah....I know this sounds cheeeezy and you probably want to barf...but please bare with me for a moment).....makes all the difference. On a side note...this coming November will be a total of 11 years together and this April will be our 5th Year Wedding Anniversary. I believe the traditional 5th year gift is wood....woohoo I'm getting something made out of wood this year!

Your husband, your wife, or who every is your significant other is family.


Your children whether adopted or you gave birth to, God-children, and your nieces or nephews that you see as your own children. You love them unconditionally. They are a part of you. There is this indescribable bond between mother and her children as well as father and child. I have yet to be blessed with a daughter or son, but I have several amazing God-children, nieces, and nephews that I love so dearly. I have helped raised them and I truly love them as if they were my own kids. They are your family.

Family is a beautiful thing, but they also can hurt you. The QUESTION is then, for those people who are considered to be a part of your family yet they cause you emotional or even physical pain, are they really...truly your family?

Thank you to my awesome Fellow Steemians for taking the time to read my post and I would love to hear your opinion about what family means to you <3

<3 @shari-loveurlife <3 Healthy Living - Happy Life <3

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