in #life7 years ago

Would you mind if I made a suggestion?

There are opinions and there is knowledge ...
I am not giving my opinion..
Imagine you could learn something here that will help you.

I would like teach you the fundamental laws of belief and how it affects healing and disease...

Now imagine what you could lose if you did not learn... something that would help you get relief and healed...
A person's opinion is not necessarily the truth and knowledge is ALWAYS truth .symptoms are real...

I don't deny symptoms... and there isn't any reality that a person cannot change...

You can change anything AND not if you do not believe you can change anything...

To imagine the worst and to believe for it...this is what is so wrong in medicine Doctors are not trained in mind body interactions... in many ways...the mind controls the body and can expedite healing or be detrimental to healing..here is a better way :
Your body believes everything you tell it and obeys...IMAGINE the best ...expedite health NOW .

When you go to a doctor, s/he prescribes a medication for you to take, or a treatment you will undergo, your body starts the healing process before the medicine is in your system or the exercise or surgical procedure has taken place. For most people, just seeing a doctor gives confidence that healing will occur. Depending on the patient’s cultural background, this is true whether the physician is a neurosurgeon at the Mayo Clinic or a tribal witch doctor.

This is attributable to an extraordinary healing ability of the body by a process known as the placebo effect. What happens is that healing starts when you believe it will occur. Your mind buys into it and your body makes it happen. The great physician and humanitarian, Dr. Albert Schweitzer, gives us this insight - "The witch doctor succeeds for the same reason all the rest of us (medical doctors) succeed.

Each patient carries his own doctor inside himself. They come to us not knowing that truth. We are at our best when we give the doctor who resides within each patient a chance to go to work." Our body is a fantastic chemical factory that is capable of seemingly unbelievable things. For instance, there is the case of a 95-pound woman lifting up a two-ton car to save the life of her child who was trapped under its weight. This was due to a gigantic adrenaline release. As impressive a display of adaptability to a need this is, our body is capable of doing even more seemingly miraculous feats.
Perhaps the most impressive of all is its’ ability to heal itself - of anything!

There are several methods dealing with visualizing healing meditatively at the cellular level. To begin any of them, use the position, breathing pattern, physical relaxing technique, and emptying of mental and emotional reactivity.

Close your eyes … take a deep breath … take a second deep breath as deep as you can … and on your third deep breath hold it for about three seconds … and exhale and relax …with each breath that you take, allow yourself to relax deeper and deeper …

I’m going to have you relax each part of your body starting from the top of your head all the way down to your feet and what I’d like you to do it is as I mention each part of your body I want to place all of your focus on that part and try to tense it up, or clench, or tighten up that specific muscle as much as you can,and then you can let go and release it … and as you let go you can allow that portion of your body to relax completely.

Let’s begin with the top of you head, tense or tighten up all the muscles around your forehead, your eyes, your cheeks and even your nose for a few moments …and let go completely and relax … just get rid of all the tension … now tighten up all the muscles around your mouth, your chin and your jaw … and just let them go and let them relax … your doing a great job … now tighten up all the muscles in your neck area for a moment, the front parts and the back parts … and let go …tighten up your shoulders area and your upper arms as much as you can … and now let them go completely …the let them droop down heavy and relaxed … now tighten up all the muscles from your elbows, down through to your forearms, your wrists, all the way down to your fingertips, clenching your fists closed as tight as you can … and just let go, allowing them to be totally relaxed and to be still.

And as you continue to breathe regular and comfortably … I’d like you to tighten up all the muscles in your chest area … and let go now and continue to relax … and tighten up all the muscles in your stomach … hold it for a few seconds … and as you let go you allow all of the stress and tension to leave your body completely … now tighten up the areas around your hips, your bottom, and even your thighs … and just let go, allowing yourself to relax more and more …and now tighten up the muscles of your calves, ankles, your feet and toes …make them tight and clenched as much as you can … and as you let go, allow everything in your body to relax completely … from the top of your head, to the seconds … and as you let go you allow all of the stress and tension to leave your body completely … now tighten up the areas around your hips, your bottom, and even your thighs … and just let go, allowing yourself to relax more and more …and now tighten up the muscles of your calves, ankles, your feet and toes …make them tight and clenched as much as you can … and as you let go, allow everything in your body to relax completely … from the top of your head, to the bottom of your feet, you can allow yourself now to relax completely and deeply.

Try each of these ways separately, and try combining them until your healing has occurred. This may take mere seconds, as has whatever happened to you that now needs a change back to wellness.

  1. In your minds eye, see aberrant or inflamed cells changing into healthy cells. If there is a damaged or corrupted area within the cells, visualize them changing and becoming free from injury. See your whole body becoming pure. Visualize yourself as perfectly healthy.

  2. There are cells within your body that act as protectors and actually attack and kill damaging invader cells. See these warrior cells destroy those cells that could cause you injury. See your whole body becoming pure. Visualize yourself as perfectly healthy.

  3. There are cells within your body that eat threatening cells. See them devour the harm causing structures. See your whole body becoming pure. Visualize yourself as perfectly healthy.

  4. Visualize groups of healthy cells combining to replace any damaged areas of your body. For instance, if you have suffered a broken bone, see the cells come together in healing, bonding together to reform a complete structure. Visualize the bone as perfectly healthy.

  5. Visualize healing energy filling you. The energy can be felt to originate from a higher power that gifts you with healing. See this holy energy filling and changing your cellular structure to a perfect condition. Watch as the specific organ, body system, or part heals. See your whole body becoming pure. Visualize yourself as perfectly healthy.

  6. Visualize yourself standing, sitting, or prostrating in front of your personal deity. See your deity heal you by touch. See your deity heal you by sending divine energy to you. See your deity end your suffering. See your whole body becoming pure. Visualize yourself as perfectly healthy.

  7. Get an anatomy book and study the body structure you want healing to take place in. Look at how the part appears when in a state of perfection. When doing a healing visualization meditation, see your body part as being in this state of perfection.

  8. If you are suffering from pain, see in your minds eye, as clearly as possible, the nerve endings that are in the specific area of your discomfort, or all of the nerve endings in your entire body. With every inhalation, feel and visualize healing air flowing from a higher power and enter you and fill your lungs. See your red blood cells absorb the air through the walls of your lungs and flow through your arteries spreading healing oxygen to every cell in your body. Witness the inflamed nerve endings become soothed and witness your body start to glow with well being and serenity.

Perhaps the most important suggestion of all is to sincerely want the healing to take place and believe that it will occur.

The Meditation Society of America doesn’t favor one religion over another, or even suggest that one has to believe in God at all for the benefits of meditation to help you, but we do sometimes quote from religious sources. In this case, we cite the Bible - Mark 11:24 "...what things ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them."

This 2000-year-old statement is in perfect accord with the most cutting edge scientific and medical understanding of the 21st century. To quote Dr. Herbert Benson of the Harvard Medical School, "We know that belief can lead to healing.. They're all influenced by belief. We in medicine have made fun of belief by calling it the "placebo effect," or insisting that "It's all in your head." Yet, belief is one of the most powerful healing tools we have in our therapeutic arsenal."

Healing is an innate capacity of the body (Dr. Andrew Weil "spontaneous healing") There is a huge difference between "treatment" and "healing" Treatment is something we do from outside...when treatment works it is done by impacting, unblocking, activating the body's own healing system...one way of impacting that system is through "suggestion" which is by extension impacting the "belief system" whatever the symptoms, whatever the condition, there is the potential to to produce a healing response through a "mind body mechanism" and theses kind of healing responses are placebo responses...I tend to try not to use that term "placebo" because that term has been so denigrated...we are always trying to rule out the placebo response, and are you sure that's not "just" a placebo response?

In fact placebo responses are the meat of medicine...that's what we want to make happen more of the time...placebo responses are pure healing responses from within unmixed up with direct effects of treatment which are likely to be toxic... so in my view the less medicines is the least medicine...you want to produce the maximum healing responses with the minimum intervention as demanded by the circumstances ...with the many common types of illnesses there is the potential for us to use "lite interventions" presenting them in ways to produce a healing response that has to do with the art of medicine...taking advantage of suggestion which in my mind and by my experiences there are major shortcomings actually...I have been shown by numerous doctors just the opposite...being in the presence of a physician that situation alone can be a nudge in the direction of healing...however many doctors have persuaded me by their words what can go "wrong" or persuading me that "in the future you will have trouble" thereby initiating and becoming a catalyst to the opposite of the healing and being detrimental to the healing process that is produced by suggestions they could have given to produce the healing effect instead.

This is my assignment : To "teach doctors" more about the power of their words and their suggestions...my father was persuaded to die and by that I mean he was told that he had a date to die, or an appointment to die...I am not denying any symptoms he had the symptoms are real...it is not a doctors place or authority to persuade a patient to die...this is not the function of a doctor...it is the complete opposite!

I have so much science to back this up...(This is a part of my book on "Doctors... how to produce healing and how not to do harm") ~ShannoN~

Physicians I think are not aware of this...they are not trained in handing that projection of belief that comes at them...I am wanting to emphasize the power of words and the need for extreme caution in terms of words that you use with a patient there are ways of presenting in ways that maximize the probability of a healing response so that you are getting a treatment and you are getting a halo of placebo effect around that treatment so that is what you are "always" trying to do...it is simply understanding the methods of suggestion and the art of using words in any medical encounter... that would be extremely useful to know..nothing is out of bounds here, any condition anywhere that you've got nerves in the body, potentially you've got the influence of mind and that's everywhere, this is a broadly applicable technique...the expressions of mind and body interactions are unlimited...the greatest effect on your body is the way that you think...more evidence to support the verdict to come...~ShannoN~


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