Stay Warm My Friends - Freezing Temperatures Blanket the United States

in #life7 years ago

How cold is it where you are?

All across the United States, freezing temperatures abound. The new year brought in some cold temperature after a pretty mild start to the winter season, at least down in the South.

I woke up this morning to a temperature of 26 degrees, which is quite frigid for Florida. We rarely see temperatures in the mid twenties. Coupled with the wind, it felt like 18 degrees outside.


The frigid temperatures are not isolated to where I am as over 83% of the United States will be under 32 degrees today. The average temperature in the United States is 14 degrees!

Only 3% of the United States will be over 50 degrees today. It sounds like I need to move there! Miami here I come.

I hope all of the crops are not harmed by this cold weather. I remember a few years ago the orange crops were major affected from the cold weather!

Stay warm my friends! Keep blogging by the fire as we watch Steem have one of the most impressive days since its inception.


We are traveling through the Midwest and have rarely seen temperatures above 15 - we saw negative -1 driving in Ohio.

26 is coooold for Florida. Indeed, hopefully the orange crop survives. Stay warm Sevin!

Sheesh!! I can't imagine how cold -1 must be! I feel like I would go into hypothermia!

The tips of my fingers felt frozen within a minute or two.

Oh my goodness! I would have freaked out!!

So much for global warming.

It does make you wonder! I need to mine some crypto to keep me warm! haha

yeah feeling very cold just wrapped my self in blanket feeling like i am freezed :p

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