in #life7 years ago (edited)


Source image:

I am pretty pissed for some while already since those wankers calling themselves government are so unbelievable under control in the Netherlands they just approved a LAW that makes it possible for the security agency's to literally HACK EVERYBODY who lives here. Our country is heading to a complete control state. Luckily some people in this country aren't that obeying and soft to just go with the flow and a referendum was called on which received in no time enough (digital) votes to become a real referendum.

The law is about ''security'' it is supposed to be for our own good... YEAH RIGHT WHERE DID WE HEARED THAT ALREADY (Snowden.. hero..)

With full support that goes for over 70% our so called government agreed with a law that gives legal permission to tap and spy on everybody and everything whenever they and whenever they want. This was first only allowed whenever there was a danger. The danger they want to prevent is until now always about ''jihadists'' while our country has open boarders and lets everyone in from afrika who seeks wealth... and the muslim population here is still rising and rising because all those Turkish people come from a wararea appearantly.. Did we vote and did we agree with this ? No one has ever had any single vote in this..

But now it's all of a sudden a danger to have so many muslims imported to our country and now they want to ''have better security'' For a problem that is not even our own doings as citizens.

So check this what does this law mean for our privacy?


  • Tap online communication from a whole neighborhood, if a single suspicious person is living there.
  • Hack all automated devices, as for instance your smartphone, computer, and smart-tv.
  • Create a secret DNA-database that every citizen can be added to.
  • Share collected data with foreign intelligence services without analyzing them first[3].
  • Because of the resemblance with a trawl (“sleepnet” in Dutch) collecting our data, the law was coined “Sleepwet”

More info at the source:

How would you feel about a law that makes these things possible? All dutch party leaders in the kabinet already have said that the referendum will be useless and that the law will stay. This is completely democazy. Where is our voice, why are people in suits and fake behavior, who tried to get the transgender discussion going on aswel a couple months ago, talking about changes in our passports to not mention any sex because it can be offensive smoke? I mean it's not the stuff I know from the coffeshops over here that's for sure. So yes this referendum is a advisory referendum and can turn out completely useless. Yet I sincerely hope with my whole soul that there will be enough votes to at least show to the government what democracy is suppose to mean, if the whole country votes against (and they are affraid the numbers of people to vote against will be large) then they cannot simply ignore without making the people furious.

I believe for this reason there is with only 9 days before the referendum, completely media silence about it, not a single word, it's kept silenced on purpose it's been ignored. This is seriously affecting me and my trust in this country and politics which has completely disappeared already a while ago. When this law gets activated in may, they start to check us to find if we are hiding cryptocurrency I believe. And then they can earn more taxes. The whole situation about islamic terrorist thread is a complete lie. Okay there may be a thread but aren't they preventing those people from coming, but do the opposite invite them, without asking if we want that yes or no, then they should solve the problem at the source and not walk around it and take mesures that is completely taking away our privacy and have by doing so more control over our lives again!

Please support me in the fight for the dutch peoples right! What would you do if this happens to you? It's getting out of hand seriously. The whole European union turns into a complete control stated dictatorship anyway. So whenever you guys don't see me around anymore after the referendum has shown the results and after the government has reacted on it.. Then I will probably be in jail for throwing molotov cocktails in the Hague or I am shot to death in an outrageous riot. Well a little overreacting here but I won't watch away when it happens. So you know.

Pease out, let's hope there will be a positive outcome for ones, and let's hope so for me and my future because I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!

I wish you all a very nice day.

See here my invitation to vote for the referendum btw
Schermafbeelding 2018-03-12 om 13.39.16.png


Fucking control freaks, the lot of them. There is never a government that doesn't care about expanding that government's power. It's in governments' best interests to expand power... It's the very nature of government.

Which is why I say fuck government!

Dacht dat ik em al had weggegooid. Zie het kiezen op politieke partijen zelfde als een soa uitkiezen.

Maar een referendum waarom niet, ik ga volgnde week dus.. Al verwacht ik weinig van..


It sounds to me like everywhere is the same when we are talking about governments.
On the other hand, I think it's our fault too - we are simply voting for the wrong people, despite the fact that it's not the rare case and when some elections come into play, we are, in fact, forced to chose between two or three main "devils" and usually we just try to pick the smaller one.
It also happens, as most often the right and good people don't have funds to run for the campaign. But this could be changed if there is some goodwill. Unfortunately, the majority of the nation (no matter which one) is overall ignorant or at least would rather go with the flow than actively participate and do something.
At least, that's how I see it from my country perspective.

They say that those who give up liberty for the sake of security, deserve neither. The world doesn't need to be secure, it needs to be free.
free speech award.png RESPECT

Eindhove de geksteeeeeeee :P

FF serieus, inderdaad gaat het te ver dat alles zomaar door de strot van burgers wordt geduwd. De afslachting van het referendum, het negeren van de uitslag van dit refendum en dan ook nog eens dat grapje met de dividend belasting.
Deze coalitie staat alleen maar invloed van het grote geld en wil zich vooral zelf daarmee spekken.

Zien zij niet dat de wereld een grote omslag nodig heeft? Welke rotte belangen dienen zij?
Ik begrijp het allemaal niet en dan weet ik aardig wat van staats- en bestuurecht enzo.

Maar wie staat er op en doet écht iets. Schreeuwen op social platforms helpt ook niet veel, molotov cocktails misschien ook niet meteen :)
Maar wel als daar nog 1 miljoen mensen achter staan.

Een echte revolutie. De lente van het Westen, van mij mag het morgen gebeuren.

Groeten Michiel

Seriously, indeed it goes too far that everything is just pushed through the throat of citizens. The massacre of the referendum, ignoring the outcome of this refendum and then also the joke with the dividend tax.
This coalition is only influenced by the big money and wants to make it roll their way.

Do they not see that the world needs a big turn? What kind of bad interests do they serve?
I do not understand it all and then I know quite a bit of state and governing laws.

But who stands up and really does something. Shouting on social platforms does not help much, Molotov cocktails may also not solve ou problems :)
But if there are 1 million people behind it...

A real revolution. Spring of the West, tomorrow should be the day, if you'd ask me.

ik ga alvast fakkels en een riek bestellen, iemand nog fakkels of een riek nodig voor 22 maart?

I still find it so weird that I hardly hear anything about this from friends and other social media about this. I really am not to awkward in privacy things, but this all sounds like going waaaay to far.

Do you have the idea that many people around you are going to vote? Is it a vivid topic at the moment?

Serieus ... het moet niet gekker worden. Ik vind dat de overheid de burger sowieso al veel te veel op de huid zit. Ook met die wet die ingevoerd is met het bankrekeninggebeuren. Ik vraag me serieus af hoelang dit nog goed kan en zal blijven gaan. Hoe lang laten nederlanders zich als makke lammeren naar de slachtbank voeren?

Rutte is een virus...moet verwijderd worden


It will be the last referendum and it is already announced our democracy will be changed (sounds like Erdogan an Xi and...). Facebook will be of great help as well with "facerecognizing" and no digiD but just a pincode of your bank will complete it all (Brussel agreed with the law everyone can have a look at your bankaccount).

lets immigrate to africa all together at once

I already planned that. Plenty of space up there

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