What is the danger of private chains to globalization?

in #life6 years ago (edited)


I have once worked for Accor (one of the biggest hoteliers around the globe); we had an internal Intranet system.

This was in order to stop people using the global web (the irony, of course, was in the fact, that all the workers that had access to computers were mainly mid to high-end managers, which of course, all had laptops in their offices).

I think most people have used the Intranet, regardless of the fact where.

The question remains, whether it's good or bad.

Well, the Intranet is a fairytale version of the internet. Just like private blockchains are a fairytale version of Satoshis vision.

It generates internal value for the few. But in terms of globalization and "routing any possible transaction", this is not what blockchain is about.

Sending data is not, the mere value of the internet. Sending data from anyone to anyone, in an open way: without borders, without control. That's the real value.

Should you filter transactions?
Should you decide upon what to router and what not?
Well, of course, you can. More so, you will probably be the top beneficiary of such a system.

But... the reason why web 3.0 was born, was in order to fix the mistakes of web 2.0, not to repeat them.

Value should be global, widespread equally amongst The People, not corporate companies.


Blockchain for private use defeats the whole purpose. Transparency and wide scale participation are the fundamental pillars of blockchain, by limiting both you are inherently diminishing the value in the blockchain and encouraging bad actors.

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