Are You One Of The 85% Who Suffer From Candida @senseicat

in #life6 years ago

Candida is an overgrowth of yeast in the gut and it travels to from the intestines, esophagus, and mouth. The majority of people who have it, do not realize it and often live with the symptoms or get misdiagnosed, particularly with conventional doctors. Naturopathic doctors will most likely make an accurate diagnosis.

The home spit test is very accurate, easy, and free. First thing in the morning, after you wake up, spit in a glass of water. Wait 1-3 minutes and take a look. Healthy saliva will stay on the top. Candida will have cloudy string like structures that float to the bottom.

candida symptoms 2.png

Causes Of Candida:

Too much sugar in the diet
Over use of antiobiotics
Steroid use
Leaky gut

Home Remedies:

Activated charcoal tablets
Probiotics 2 times per day
Apple Cider Vinegar
Oregano tablets
Eliminate sugar, antibiotics, and steroids
Japanese water therapy (previous blog) and helps mitigate many illnesses

To Your Health @senseicat


I am suffering from yeast infection from 5 years and I want to get rid of this but Being a Pakistani it's quite difficult to get all these things

A doctor may be able to prescribe an anti-fungal or try to incorporate a few of the recommendations, and it is imperative to incorporate a clean diet so that your body has an opportunity to align towards a healthy balance in the gut.

I am from Bangladesh

its fungal infection.its opportunistic mycosis...candida albicans are pathogen.
predisposing factor:Aids,Steroid,Diabetes mellitusv
risk factor moniliasis (vaginal candidiasis)
loss of pH in vegina
i am ok sir...i am medical student...pray for me

I have something that has a lot of people that is expanding like a virus is our sedentary 21st century people who are back pain sometimes there are days that sometimes they become very annoying, I used to be fat but I had a good weight loss in this last year, but the damage is already done,
and I lost a lot of muscle mass in the back and I need to do a series of exercises,let hope all work up. Anyway thank for sharing as always great info @senseicat

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