19 People Share What They Regret About Their Wedding

in #life6 years ago

Ideally, your wedding day is one of the best days of your life.

It's the day that you finally get to marry the love of your life, after all!

But sometimes things don't go according to plan.

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Even the most love-filled and entertaining weddings can experience a few hitches.

A recent AskReddit thread asked people to share what they regret about their own weddings. Their answers are super fascinating! And, if you happen to be planning your own wedding, they might come in handy, too.

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Registering for china.

I didn’t want it. Knew we would never use it. Received everything. Never have used it in 25 years.supertinypenguin

via: Shutterstock

My number one regret is telling people not to take pictures.

In our agreement with our photographer, she told us that other cameras were not allowed as the flash from another camera could ruin our pictures. So we politely told people to refrain from taking pictures and explained the situation.

A few weeks after we tried contacting her for the photos. We got ghosted.

We tried for about a year to track her down. We were still willing to pay for the photos, even unedited. We just wanted the photos.

Fortunately, some people didn’t get the message, so we have a few (10-20) photos from our wedding.DarwinsLoveChild

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Letting my mother-in-law have any say in anything.

She ruined the food.Amrothnimrodel

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Having an outdoor wedding in August in South Carolina.

Timing necessitated it. Otherwise, I loved my wedding and love my wife.BuckleUpItsThe

Keep this next regret in mind if you’re planning your own wedding!

- The story continues 1/4-

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