Is it a Lack of Skill Holding You Back or is it Your Beliefs?

in #life7 years ago

I read a phrase in a book yesterday that said "change your story, change your beliefs."

Anyone who reads my blog or listens to the Music and Money radio show has probably heard me at least once say:

  • 90% of trading and investing is psychology, the other 10% is skill.

Change Your Story, Change Your Beliefs

This is actually super powerful as most of us tell ourselves a story throughout each and everyday.

It's that story of why something is they way it is, we rationalize things - we create excuses.

What's the Point?

The point of bringing this up is that a large majority of the time (more than you think) the reason we find ourselves in a certain situation is due to our beliefs about ourselves, about people, about money, about success.

Think about this - does anyone want to live paycheck to paycheck?

Pretty sure most everyone is going to say no.

This is not about being rich, this is an example of a struggle that so many find themselves in, of which many are there due to their beliefs.

They believe:

  • "Money is the root of all evil"
  • "Rich people are selfish and greedy"
  • "More money, more problems"

Do you see what is going on here?

This is the story they tell themselves everyday, thus they deeply believe that money is bad and does no good.

Literally programming oneself to always be poor. To only have just the bare minimum to get by as anything more is evil or makes you a greedy selfish person.

If you find yourself struggling with something, whether it is financially, relationships or career - the key to change may just be...

Change Your Story, Change Your Beliefs


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Best Regards,

Disclaimer: All info in this post is my opinion and for educational use


Have you ever read 'Book of Jabez' by Bruce Wilkinson? I think you would like it. It is all about how God is happy with us praying to gain more territory so that we can manage it well so that we can be blessed further.

While mindset about money is huge so is one's heart and actions with that money. A foolish man loses it, scared man hoards it, a selfish man distances himself from others with it. A loving wise man gives generously.

Yeah, in the end money is a tool. A resource to be able to provide more to others.

You are earning the income you believe you deserve, not a penny more, not a penny less.

My "limiting beliefs" always seem to be a rather complex hodge-podge that mostly circle back to the core notion that I have always been most interested in/drawn to/skilled at low-income professions like the arts, writing, retailing, being a librarian. I did work in Korporate Amerika for a while, and I always really sucked in aggressive, competitive, high paced environments... which, of course, paid really well.

I recent years, I have managed to make peace with being a somewhat broke creative slacker.

Did the corporate america things too.....hated it. One can still live a pretty good life on low income professions, just a matter of how money is handled, but that is a whole another topic :-)

One of my new year's resolutions this year was to change my relationship with money. I want commitment, but I think I may have come on too strong and scared it away. ;) so funny girl. Remember, it does not happen overnight. I'm still working on it to this day ;-)

Money and I have an on-again/off-again relationship. We've broken up and gotten back together so many times, it's ridiculous.

Haha, you always give me a giggle ;-P

All in the mind , difference between winners and losers. So true.

Some people think that waving the same is paid when only nailing is paid. We want to blunder for waving our hands, but pay for the nails in the board. Nails in the board are paid higher than just waving their hammer). Life is to be paid for the way you've traveled ..

Lol.. you were stuck at 59.94 I happily brought you over to 60.20 mark. :) I hate it when you're so close to rolling over the next $10 mark and only a few cents shy. :)

Listen, you are absolutely right. We create excuses all the time. That is an easy way to rationalize our surroundings and our success in life.

All that does is give us false comfort and it prevents us from moving ahead.

I'm glad you pointed this out. This is an important lesson for everyone.

Haha, appreciate it man! I always like pushing someone to that next mark as well. My current goal is to get a post that breaks the 100 vote mark. After all this time on here still striving for that one :-)

If we want to succeed in any case we must change the way of thinking, way of life.
Justification of ourself is tantamount to imprisoning perceptions and closing our chances to getting better.
Which we must maintain is a positive principle

That's right! Most people don't want to do that.

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