Today I met Dan, a drifter/wanderer who accepted cryptos. I just made him a Steemit account @movingman, and I will donate all the surplus from this post to his account

in #life7 years ago (edited)

In Norway we have a magazine called "Er lik" which means = (equals). To be honest I don't like the magazine that much. I do however like the fact that drug addicts and I guess a few homeless people sells it instead of doing crime. Too bad it's not the greatest magazine.

So today I was shopping with my son, and as we walked out of the mall I noticed this fellow selling it. I didn't pay much attention, but In the corner of my eye, I was sure I saw "crypto". Very unlike me, but I had to turn around and take another look. So asked the guy, who I later found out was named Dan, if he accepted cryptos, and sure enough. He accepted ETH, XRP and BTC. And again, very unlike me, I told him how great I thought this was. He told me I was the first frigging person to comment on it. It just tells you how little people care or know about cryptos.


But things are happening. I felt it today. I'm a very reserved and private person. I wouldn't take a picture if a UFO was landing in the middle of the street. I would be like; "nah..that's embarrassing..I would just feel like a chinese person visiting Norway in groups of a thousand people, all taking six billion pictures in one hour and then they fly to the next destination. Norway in 5 hours - check! Let's fly to the north-pole, take some pictures of a polar bear and head on home!


Aaaanyway.. I asked the Dan if I could take his picture, because I thought it was so cool. So there I was taking pictures of this dude outside the shopping mall, not caring one bit. The guy was english speaking, and I asked him what the hell he was doing here in the middle of the winter. He said he was just a wanderer for the last 7 years, living off the grid.

I said I didn't want the magazine,but I asked him if I could expose him, and he had no problems with that. I also told him to make a Steemit account. (He had heard of that) I also told him to sell XRP and in general HODL. His cellphone was unfortunately out of data at that exact moment, but I told him to send me his ETH address to a protonmail I just created.

Just made him a Steemit account

@movingman , and just as I'm writing this I received his ETH address on protonmail. But come to think of it, I decided to create a steemit account for him, and put him in my steemvoter list giving him a lifetime of upvotes worth 10-20% depending on circumstances. Not because of charity, but because of the encounter and because I would like to know what he does and where he goes next. He should definitely profit from his adventures! I will also donate all my net profits from this post to Dan (after I have accounted for booster/upvoting bots costs)


If you want to, give Dan a hand. Awesome bloke, and the first guy selling street-magazines accepting cryptos in Norway I believe. Top bloke. Or you could just follow him on his new Steemit-account @movingman which I just purchased for him.

Like I've been talking about before - which was a good reminder for me today actually, is the fact that this is something more than getting rich. And sure, the fact that I'm a long term hodler doesn't give me a stroke watching the prices go down a little bit. But it's not just the money. It's the fact that I felt like damn this is someone I connect with immediately because of just the fact that he had the words crypto in his cardboard meant that we share some common ideals.

I'm not sure if he's anarcho capitalist, syndicalist, communist or just anti-violence. But it doesn't really matter. What matters is he want free exchange,free trade between two free individuals. We chose which currency we like to pay with, and it is peer to fucking peer.

And as a laisezz faire capitalist, anarcho capitalist, I'm not giving a small sum to this man because I feel sorry for him (which I obviously don't. Because if he just hodl's he'll be lamboing his way out of Norway in a couple of years), but I'm doing it because this is what we want. This is exactly how it should be. And if we don't put our actions where are mouths are. If we don't turn around when we think we see "I accept cryptos" and give a little bit extra, then we won't see this succeed. In order to win this race against the oppressors, we need to start utilizing cryptos.

To Dan: Make sure you learn all there is to learn about the basics of Steemit. Never give away your owners key. I'll destroy my version of your owners key once you've confirmed that you have it secure. I would love to see where your adventure takes you next! Peace!


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I am movingman's second follower on Steemit :-) I'm gonna put his account on my autovote list if he ever starts posting about his adventures as a wanderer.

Thanks for sharing this awesome story!

Awesome! I'm sure he appreciates that!

He can make a t-shirt; " I had Steemit-followers before I even was on Steemit" :D


Cool , so nice to feel Welcomed! Obvoiusly still getting to grips with the flow of steemit, but yeh ill share some stories soon for whoever reads 😀

what @scandinavianlife does is exactly what voluntaryists / capitalists do best - encourage or help

I feel like you do. I'm always asking people in business if they accept crypto, and when they confess to not even knowing what I'm talking about, I give them a quick tour. I haven't run into too many crypto enthusisasts so far, but the odd time I do, there is an instant connection.

Awesome. And people talk about it being a bubble..I don't think the media exposure does relate to actual real life. I know like 3 real life persons who owns cryptos, INCLUDING Dan :)

People read about it and think it's some sort of pyramide scheeme..and sure, there are scams, a lot of scams. But people are glued to their television set and how no frigging idea about the technology. And those who has the capability to understand usually just look for flaws or compare it to the old system, or lack economic understanding..but do feel a connection, because it's a revolution. We share some common set of values, at least many of us.

Like I said before..I don't care if you're a communist. But what I care about is voluntaryism. Am I free to NOT be a part of your communist society? If so..please go ahead and have your communist society.

Haha. A wander is more forward-thinking than many governments around the world who denounce and ban them. I wonder who's the real wander???

What a Story! And what a sign! Ok, crypto was accepted by tech people, Round 1 - won. By an average cab driver John - Round 2, won. Now, when the people on the streets are accepting cryptos that means one thing - it's *(will be...) accepted!

Haha. Exactly. But it hasn't been accepted by the brainwashed masses yet though ;)

During the 90's at the time of the highest inflation in history, by grandma believed in our national currency. So, she took the equivalent of 120 eggs worth Dinars and put them into the bank with some crazy interest of 50% per month (yes, per month). After one month - she had 3.5 eggs.

Moral of the story: chose wisely and HODL.

Banks were once needed for the old days, but now we see they are just another form of Mafia. Crypto WILL become the future,because the future is always Now

why do you think there is vipps in norway, you know, they got to introduce big changes, gradually over time :(

Oh i love this! found the story really touching and i especially love that you were drawn to step out of our comfort zone, made connection and now are sharing that connection and boosting this fella's life... um awesome!!

Also hope he gets steemin and shares those adventures of his.

Props @scandinavianlife!

Thanks! He deserved it!

It's amazing how savvy people are getting in this day and age! Dan sounds like a smart guy, I hope ends up doing well with the cryptos.

Smart guy deserves a donation. I'm not altruistic, but when I see hustling and entrepreneurship like his, I like it! He deserves it.

@scandinavianlife, this is really what we want!

  • We want people to be able to change their circumstances.
  • We want people to freely transact with other individuals and businesses from all over the world.
  • We want to build a caring and generous community.

Great article. Love the real-life application.

Thanks man. Yeah, we basically want voluntary transactions with whichever currency they want. And you's all about having an open approach to things in life. And we have to seize opportunities to do transactions and interactions. Cryptos is great. When I see someone with a sign with cryptos on it, it fair to conclude that I will walk up that person and start chatting. Hehe.

We can't just sit and hodl our cryptos forever. Sure, hodl away..but spend it on a cup of coffee or something when the chance arises.

Wow thank you for restoring my faith in humanity a little more! Probs to you for your kind heart and for supporting a total stranger! Really looking forward to hear Dan´s story ;-)

Thanks! However, I was not kind hearted. I saw someone hustling and accepting cryptos. I thought that deserved a little extra. I would never give to a beggar. I'm not an altruist :) So if faith in humanity is restored in this case, it means you're an anarcho capitalist - which of course is awesome :)

100% upvote from me, a little help for Dan.

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