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RE: I Gave Up Masturbation, Sex and Porn

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Just found this and was floored that you had the nerve to post it. I don't know you but I will say that I am impressed! Awesome that you were able to overcome brother. :) I went through the same struggles and it is so hard to change. So many people commit adultery in their hearts without giving it a second thought. Anyone that denies and says they don't masterbate is probably not telling the truth or they have some kind of health issue that prevents it. My wife and I have been together almost 27 years and our sex life went to non existent 6 years ago after she rolled and totaled the van. My life and hers changed over night. Before that we were quite normal with our marriage and our sex life was also. Since then we have become more like roommates and she is so distant. We say we love each other but its just not the same. I haven't changed but she has. It is sad. All I can do is pray daily for my marriage to be healed. After this all happened I really entered a dark place and it was a struggle getting out. God has really been calling me and my struggles are so real. Even now I struggle but constantly pray and keep Jesus close in my life. I have come so far and feel I am on the right path. My wife and I seem like we are on two separate paths and she is still in the world. She would get mad that I would go to Church and it took time away from us but then mad if we were together too much. Her mood swings and anger, disbelief and rage grew more towards me at times. Other times she seemed ok. All I can do is pray that Jesus shows her the way since she doesn't want to hear anything from me about God at all. She get annoyed if I even talk to someone about God. This makes my struggles even harder but I am staying the course. I too have also cut so many things that are worldly out of my life. We must be separate brother and not of this world. Stay strong and stay in the Lord Jesus for he is the way, the truth and the life! May the Lord Bless you and keep you close in your struggles. Stay the course brother and stay strong in Jesus. He is coming soon! :)


Thank you very much @saved4newlife! I don't know if I have that much nerve. I know I can't be ashamed of my testimony. I have seen others do it on Youtube. I think the main thing is that maybe it might help someone. I wish someone explained it to me better when I was younger in the Lord. With people like Dr Oz on TV saying it is OK to do masturbation. Dr Oz, kind of like the Wizard of Oz. Dr. Oz works for Oprah. Oprah who talks of God and at the same time she throws up the devil horn hand sign. The same Oprah that spells her name backwards to get her Harpo studios. It was the Aleister Crowley's teaching of doing things backwards that made her do that. And I was so into the Beatles and they looked up to Aleister Crowley. Well I am glad I am out of all that now days. Also I read the book called, Conversations with God and it said that masturbation was ok. I was so into the new age, I forgot the scriptures. That Conversations with God books are demonic.

I am sorry to hear about you and your wife. When she is in that state do you think it is the demon inside talking and not the real her? Remember Jesus saying, And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; Mark 16:17? I have to believe that this is true even though some churches believe that is only for times of old. Yet I seen some young guys that actually believe the Bible and they cast out devils. If not cast out devils at least pray the Father and bind the evil spirit in the name of Jesus and also to loose the spirits of repentance and adoption in the name of Jesus, where we cry out Abba Father. This is why I brought up binding evil spirits in this blog. For me I remember the day I first see written pornography and things changed from that day on. I just thought of sex all the time, but who was thinking of sex? When I read that pornography I gave license for a devil or devils to come in. Jesus did say, And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire. Matthew 18:9. Who's eye? Look how he says, and cast it from thee. That reminds me of casting out devils. Jesus said, The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. Matthew 6:22 So to me if thine eye be more than single the others must be devils. Look at Kenneth Copeland in his eyes. Check it out on Youtube. We know he sold his soul. Look at his eyes. It is not single. He has many devils. If you have time check out the Youtube video called, How to Start Binding & Loosing (Win Worley).

Keep praying for your wife. Who knows if you will save your wife. Be blessed in Jesus name my brother.

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