Why We All Hate Ads

in #life6 years ago


Advertisements. Who doesn’t love to hate them, am I right? We have all been there when we are having the best time of our lives laughing our butts off at a comedy bit on Youtube when suddenly, you are bombarded by an ad about dog food!

Don’t get me wrong. I love dogs. But when I am trying to laugh at a comedy sketch (to forget my sorrows), I want to do exactly that! I DON’T want the flow to stop!

No matter whom you ask, the general opinion you get is that people either outright hate ads or at least object to them. Of course not all ads are the same and not every single one of them makes you want to pull your hair out of frustration.

But there are enough bad ones out there that people have a generally sour attitude towards ads. So, let me quickly list a few reasons why.

1. They Are Intrusive


As I mentioned in the beginning of the post, ads tend to be intrusive. Whether it is a TV show that you are enjoying or a video on Youtube, ads break the flow of the content.

The other night I was listening to a guided meditation on Youtube to help me sleep (as I am still suffering from Insomnia). About five minutes into the video, when I was almost about to sleep, suddenly I hear a loud ad for a Samsung smartphone!

That completely ruined the meditation for me and I just gave up on that. This is just one example among many of how ads can be intrusive.

I don’t think I need to explain the deep frustration that people go through when they go on to a website to read an article and they have to find the bits and pieces of that article among the literally hundreds of banners on the site!

2. They Are Creepy


The recent debacle with Facebook and Cambridge Analytica made one thing very clear. We are being tracked constantly online and are profiled so that companies can sell products that are relevant to us.

Up to a certain point that might be OK, but after that point, it just starts becoming creepy. No matter what I searched online or viewed, I immediately got ads about that on Facebook and other websites, so I just decided to delete it!

Nobody likes their privacy to be invaded and when companies start crossing that line, it’s obvious that people might retaliate. The very thing that is supposed to get them sales could actually lose them customers.

I think companies should find a different way of finding relevant ads to individuals instead of tracking their online activity. Let the creepiness be done, once and for all!

3. They Are Everywhere


It is said that too much of anything can be harmful. Even the good stuff. Ads are no different. We live in a world where there are millions of companies, all trying to make profit out of the human population.

For that, they need to advertise and that’s fair. But due to the sheer number of products that are sold today by these millions of companies, we consumers are constantly being showed ads with or without a will.

Whether you are at home, or at work or outside, you just can’t segregate a time where you are not viewing an ad of one kind or the other.

They are literally everywhere. On buildings, on cars, buses, in elevators, on the internet, even in the sky with those pesky little planes. What has consumerism done to us?


I liked it, did well .. good subject
Great post from you
Thanks for sharing

The feeling is mutual @ sauravrungta. They could make their ads video entertaining so it could go viral,as people these days want to be entertained instead of being causing nuisance posting ads in the middle of an interesting video.Frankly youtube execs are to blame by allowing greed take over common sense,the founders originally created youtube as the alternative to the traditional tv with their endless ads.

That is what I hate the most. The original vision was dumped and they became the very thing they were trying to defeat: endless ads. Granted there are much less ads on Youtube than TV but putting them 3-4 times in the middle of a video is just nonsense!

I studied advertising and lost interest after a few months, when I got behind the scenes, I didn't think that people would really continue to associate themselves with a photo/short clip starring a product (brand), but you know what, they do and it works. Brands have their own language too, think Chanel (top end luxury brand), Ray Ban (metal framed sunglasses), Coca Cola (carbonated sugar drink that tastes good for a lot of people; and probably not something that really comes to mind, but logistics that most companies dream of). You only have to think of the product name and some part of you dis/associates with it. I learnt too that the most powerful advertising really is Word of Mouth, because if you trust the person telling you about the product/company, a friend who has tried an amazing new salad dressing (let's say), and you eat salads and want to try something new, you're going to buy the product they recommend. I totally relate to your insomnia moment, but advertising keeps most of the sites we visit, free - that's the payoff, unfortunately. We are usually exposed to a product/brand about 7 times (last time I checked) before we take notice, so they do work hard for their buck and that is why they advertise on different mediums to hook into your conscious, so when you go to buy the product, you feel that connection with it, but probably don’t know why. If products could be made, for starters – with no microbeads; in bio-degradable packaging; soap powders and crop sprays that work with the environment; food additives that enhance our health, not make us sick; and specifically the fashion industry polluting our waters with chemicals from dyes (use natural dyes) and consuming unspeakable amounts of plastic for transporting each outfit (package differently) – we would probably have a trust factor that would not need advertising to believe in them because we would know they are authentic, thinking about our health and the health of our planet. The money used for advertising could make the needed change and we could read/view the good they are doing and not have annoying adverts manipulating us. Perhaps, until we shift to authenticity and move from living within our egos associating with brands, we will have advertising.

I actually majored in marketing in college so I am aware of most of the things you mentioned here. It's all about getting your product/brand in front of the consumers' eyes and now they have several medium to do that. Yes, this is what keeps most of the stuff free and it is something we have all reluctantly agreed to. Until a better model comes up, I think we will have to tolerate the insane amount of ads that we are exposed to every single day.

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Added. Delerium. Syndrome. (ADS)

Seriously I can accept anything but not the advertisement on Youtube :( It is really annoying! I watch different videos on Youtube as I dont watch much TV. Every 30 minutes or less I have to see the same advertisement until I get mad :(

Yeah I totally agree. But the sad part is that it's the ads that help the creators make money on Youtube and thousands of other places online and it's become a sort of a necessary evil.

Yes it is true. I dont deny that some of them are useful. The most annoying one was about "Bitcoin" lol.

I haven't seen that ad haha! Was it THAT annoying?

Yes it was really annoying, because I had to see that guy every 30 min screaming "Bitcoin is a Bubble" lol
Now I am getting some "Amazon Business" videos. Maybe it is better if we can choose what we want to see. Somethings can be helpful, depends on our interest.

I think young people who are growing up without ads have a hard time relating to the amount of psychological manipulation we have let ourselves be subjected to over the years by watching thousands of hours of ads. I've taught my kids that ads are just annoyances and we watch zero network t.v., for example.

Yeah, that's why millennials hate ads the most, according to studies. I agree that they are just annoyances!

Advertisements are false in 99% cases.

Totally agreed!

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