Why It Is Important To Sometimes Get Lost In Life

in #life7 years ago


Have you ever been hit by a sudden realization, one fine day, that you don’t have the foggiest of idea where you are headed in life? Trust me, it’s a terrifying feeling to not know exactly how life is going to unfold.

Well, that’s what the future is basically. It’s as uncertain as things can be. We have all heard about life changing stories, both the good ones and the bad ones and how it can all change with a snap of the fingers. So, yes, there is no telling what the future holds.

In spite of all that, we humans try our best to plan as much of our future as we can, which is a good thing, as it prepares us for any unforeseen rainy day.

So, it is natural that while planning for a future that is so unpredictable, we might feel a little overwhelmed owing to the fact that there are always a million ways things could turn out and so, feeling lost from time to time is not surprising.

Feeling Lost


Talking about this from an evolutionary point of view, I guess we are wired to want to predict as much of the future as possible because that would ensure a greater chance of survival. Hence, you get that sinking feeling in your stomach when you suddenly realize you have no idea what to do.

The worst situation to be in however, is feeling lost, despite everything going right in your life. I mean, your career is going great, your relationships with people in your life are good, and still you find yourself sitting on the couch with your head sunken in your chest, feeling absolutely … lost.

I can’t tell you how many times I have been in such a situation and when that happens, the first thing that crosses my mind is if I’m going crazy. But, I guess, that is one of the sour flavors of life, that you have to taste once in a while.

Anyways, every cloud has a silver lining and like with most tough times, these times when we feel lost can have some positive outcome as well. It might just be life pushing you to discover your path.

The Period of Discovery


What do you do when you don’t know the right way? You start analyzing the options, right? Because one way or the other, life must go on. So, you start looking for the right answer and it is exactly when you start looking, that you allow yourself to discover.

History stands proof to this. So many inventions and discoveries have been made in the past al because their inventors and discovers were simply lost, but their determination to keep going just led them to the answers they were seeking.

See this period of being lost as not as a “period of being lost” but a “period of discovery”. Sometimes you get to discover the right path and sometimes you also get to discover your true self. It is only during the tougher times that we begin to introspect, and that leads to personal growth.

So, yeah, sometimes it is important that we lose our way and if you are scared of never finding it again, take it from a guy who has lost his way so many times that I can’t even remember properly! It all works out in the end :)


This post reminded me of lyrics to a song I listen to regularly. The song is Catch and Release by Matt Simmons.

"There's a place I go to
Where no one knows me
It's not lonely
It's a necessary thing
It's a place I made up
Find out what I'm made of
The nights I've stayed up
Counting stars and fighting sleep"

I love the lyric

This song sounds awesome. Will check it asap. :)

Oh my goodness! Yes @sauravrungta! I get this! Life is so complicated. We work so hard to build our futures yet ultimately we have NO idea what the future holds. I think we need to teach our children more about being adaptable to change so when things don’t go as planned, they are able to go with the flow! At 42 I’m just beginning to work on that! 😉

It's never too late to start. hehe.

the good way is god, but each one of us have to decide to serve him or not, but he always gives us help if we are lost.

I could not agree more.Most times we discover our true selves when we are lost and trapped in darkness,we struggle and find the shinning light through perservance.

Exactly. Just look for the light and head towards it.

Like your blogg bro ,Thanks for sharing with us @sauravrungta

Thanks for reading :)

very nice place thanks for sharing...

In that solitude of feeling lost is self discovering achieved. Well articulated life experience . Nice blog , good work.

Exactly. Thanks for reading :)

The famous travellers quote, ' get lost to find yourself'. Its essential part of life bro. You learn to live and love in such situations.

Such true words :)

i guess no matter what happens, what will be will be, eventually things sort out itself in life, so worryin about the future is futile, just get your best plans forward and hope for the best cos no matter how successful your plans are today life always gives a challenge to overcome the next minute so best thing is just relax and do your best.

Absolutely agreed. Couldn't have said it better myself :)

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