Why It Is Important To Have A Role Model In Life

in #life7 years ago

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The other day I was having a chat with a friend and we were talking about how life is uncertain and how you never know which roads lead to which direction. The convo led me to think more deeply about it which I am going to pour out for you guys here.

The thing is, no one has a script for life and everyone is essentially heading into the unknown every single day of their lives and as beautiful as that is, it is also very scary.

We all want certain things out of our lives and in our own ways work towards those goals and therefore life begins to head in that general direction. But many times we get lost or get diverted from our paths and then there are those pesky ups and downs.

Now, although we cannot have a ready to go script for life, we can get the next best thing. A guide. A guide in the form of a role model. Having a role model can be really beneficial and the right one can make all the difference.

Why A Role Model?

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Not many people look up to any role models in their lives and they seem to do just fine and therefore some people might ask why they would need a role model in the first place. Why would you want to follow someone else when you can walk your own path and make other people want to follow that.

The point is you can still walk your own paths, make your own mistakes and build your own legacy brick by brick and still have the guidance of a role model to make things just a little bit easier. Basically, in my opinion, I see two main reasons why you would want one in your life.

1. Light In the Dark


As I have said before, life is not always a straight line moving up, which always happens to be a dream for stock traders. It is more of a roller coaster ride which goes up and down and round and round.

During the happier times, you move forward without any friction but it is in the dark times that you look for some guidance, a helping hand, something that can pull you back from the depth of darkness.

In those times, reading about all the difficulties that your role model faced in their lives and how they handled it can be a really soothing experience. It makes you feel that you are not the only one going through all that and sometimes you find the answers you are looking for in the stories of their journey. I certainly have at many points in my life.

2. Source of Inspiration/Motivation


It is not only in rough times where having a role model can be beneficial. Sometimes, even if everything is going good, you need fresh and renewed energy to push yourself beyond your abilities and grow as a person.

It is important not to stagnant in life, even when you strongly feel that there is absolutely no need to reach for new heights. After all, there is always a chance that you might fall lower than you are, right?

Be that as it may, you always need to aim for newer heights. There is always more to life and it is upto you to look for it and make it your own. Reading about how your role model pushed one boundary after the other can really put you on a constant path of growth where being stagnant just wouldn’t be an option!

Who Do I Look Up To?

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He might have had a hundred bad qualities but he also sure had some really great ones and that is why I look up to Steve Jobs as my role model.

I have learned from him that even when you feel like the ship’s about to sink, there is always a way to turn things around and make them insanely great. Just read about how he saved Apple from bankruptcy and put in on the path of prosperity.

I also absolutely adore his simplistic and minimalistic views towards life in general and how you should keep reinventing yourself.

I also learnt that it is very important for people to leave behind the kind of legacy that the future generations would not only talk about but would drive benefits from. After all, we do not inherit the world from our ancestors, we borrow it from our grandchildren.


Since we can't always be strong, a solid role models can't do otherwise but being a lights in the dark. I love your article, thank you so very much for sharing.

Namaste :)

I am glad you like it :)

Steve Jobs is definitely the right role model because of how he sees things and the way he balances his life. Even if his life seemed short, I believe that he still lived a very wonderful life.

Personally, I have two kinds of role models. The first is a person who I can talk with and the second is an influencer with a big reputation and does big things. The first one is my father. My father knows the way to survive and with my emotional attachment to him, I am easily convinced to get back to the track. The second one is Elon Musk. He shows everyone how to do things really big and revolutionary that's why I constantly watch his interviews and stories.

I totally agree with you on all this. Elon Musk is a great role model to have because he is showing the world that we do not have to remain stuck with old ways and that the world can indeed be a better place. And yes, parents are the greatest role models ever! :)

Yes, friend. Totally.


the goal is very important and eveyone have to have an exact goal in his life !

Yes that is true. There needs to be a direction to go towards.

Imitate successful people until you become successful - Every Millionaire Ever.

That is correct!!! :D

Nice article. Lots of great advice. I wish there was a push in community centers, schools, and the like to be mentors. Better yet, I would love it if older people would become mentors (senior citizens). What the people could learn. Good ole fashion know how.

We definitely need more mentors and role models in the world. People today seem a lot more lost than even just a decade ago.

Good inspiration. Thanks for sharing!

You are welcome. Thanks for reading :)

Nice post. Success lead clues .

Thank you, you are right :)

For some I think it's just as important to realize that you have role models whether you know it or not. If you fail to make a conscious decision to emulate someone, you will still emulate someone, you just won't know who.
Voted, resteemed and posted in my index.

Thanks for that great insight. 100% agreed :)

It is important to have both a role model and an enemy. Having someone to strive against motivates like nothing else can.

That is an interesting way to think about it :)

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