We Can All Win, Together

in #life7 years ago

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“The world has enough for everyone's need, but not for everyone's greed.” - Mahatma Gandhi. 

This is one of those quotes which really puts things in perspective, isn’t it? It’s a one line solution for much of the problems that we see in the world today, like poverty, world hunger, income disparity, war and a lot more.

It’s like living in a zombie apocalypse where everyone knows that resources are limited and ever decreasing and everyone wants the larger piece. Ok, maybe I’m exaggerating, ….. or not, depending upon how you think.

But, one thing is for sure. A lot of people on the planet have this concept that everything is limited and so they toil to accumulate as much as possible, no matter the costs, often leading to animal-like behaviours, justified in their minds as “surviving in a difficult world.”

But, contrary to popular belief, this concept of limitations cannot be further from the truth. There is enough to go around to keep everyone happy, despite our large world population. But there is one change we have to make.

Let Go Of The Greed

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Now, I know that no two people are alike and therefore not everyone in the world is a greedy have-it-all, but seeing the state of the world, one has to wonder if that is more often the case than not.

In fact, we often talk about the corporate culture and how that is transforming the world into a more consumerism driven one. Where having the latest and greatest stuff satisfies the ego and gives us a high.

But, I wonder what could happen if we just let it go. Once we let our greed go, we could truly acknowledge the fact that we are better off joining hands and moving forward together. Isn’t that the principle on which our human civilisation was founded? 

But, somewhere along the way, it got engrained in our heads that the only way forward was to leave others behind and that is the root cause of our problems. 

Healthy Competition, Is Healthy

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You might be thinking that joining hands and moving forward is great, but another fact remains that not everyone can move at the same pace. That’s correct, but the important part here is to keep moving forward.

One really important thing that we must understand is that we can all still win. Even if we are ahead of some people and behind the others. This is not a race with only 1 winner. 

That is the traditional concept. In the race of humanity, everyone who completes the race is a winner.

A healthy competition is good for the world as a whole. But you know when the problem arises? When we blow out other people’s candles to shine ours brighter. When we try to shorten the other person’s line to make ours longer. 

Change this mentality. Overcome the concept of limitation and greed. We are all in this together. For one person to succeed, the other need not fail. We can all do it. We can all win.


As long as competition is not the goal in itself, it shall most possibly be very healthy for all. Thanks for sharing. All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

All for one and one for all. I really like this quote. Namaste :)

Nice post man! liked it! Keep sharing!

Thanks for the kind words :)

Great and very true

Nice post and so true!

thank you for reading :)

you are right, it doesnt bring anyone anything if we say ,all is mine or yours,only together we can win.great post, i liked it much

Thank you so much for the kind words :)

Thanks for share, I very like it.

thanks for reading :)

Yes we can....

We surely can! :)

Resources tend to develop as society advances. There may be occasional glitches in progress but humanity is quite an ingenious species. Unfortunately, greed and the hoarding instinct can be an exasperating reflex.

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Very well said! :)

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