How You Can Overcome A Writer’s Block

in #life6 years ago


Writer’s block is something that every writer goes through sooner or later. It is a state where you just don’t get any ideas in your head about what to write and even if you get one, you are just sitting there staring at that cursor blinking for hours on end.

I entered the blogging world when I joined Steemit about 2 years ago although I had always loved reading and writing and I have written almost everyday ever since and have been thoroughly enjoying myself.

But there are times when the mind just doesn’t seem to work and the creative well seems to run empty. I guess it happens with other creative types as well but I can only speak for myself.

Thankfully, I have always been able to deal with any writer’s block pretty quickly and so I never faced any prolonged periods of downtime. I would like to share some of the ways you can overcome it, which I’ve learned from my experience.

Take A Break


Our minds, just like our bodies need rest too. We live in a world that never sleeps and our minds are occupied all the time it seems. That’s why conditions like insomnia are spreading throughout the world. People just can’t shut their minds off.

You need to realise that your mind needs a break too and if you feel like you are unable to come up with something to write, you are better off just taking a break and letting your mind rest.

How long this rest is, depends on you. It can either be regular planned breaks or it can breaks when you feel exhausted, but either way, you should make room for them.

I have noticed it almost every time I have taken a break that I feel like I am full of ideas again and writing comes as easy as before and I no longer need to stare at that cursor for hours again!!

Watch Movies, TV Shows, Read Books


Watching all kinds of movies and tv shows and reading all kinds of books is a definite way to get your creative juices flowing. I cannot tell you how many ideas have cropped up in my mind thanks to all those hours I have spent watching some phenomenal movies, shows and reading some awesome books.

And you don’t even have to watch hours upon hours of them to come up with an idea. Sometimes, all it takes is a single line from one of the characters to open up a whole new world of possibilities in your mind.

Also, exposing yourself to different genres helps you explore different avenues as a writer which helps you grow and expand your writing style. It really has helped my over the past couple of years.

Do Some Activity!!


A healthy mind resides in a healthy body and I cannot stress that enough. Creative people tend to be so engrossed in their works that they often forget to take care of their bodies.

That includes proper eating, exercising, taking rests and ample sleep and so on. All this deteriorates your health overtime and the effects of that start showing in your work.

You tend to start feeling tired all the time and highly demotivated and so, your writing or other creative pieces suffer due to that. You just aren’t able to give your 100%.

So, make sure to do some activity, and use some other muscles and not just your brain! If you maintain a healthy body, you will feel much more refreshed and your work will improve.


Hey! Great informative post. I entered this world just 2 month ago, and i didn't even know about this writer's block. I used to think this is the end of my blogging.

Now, i take break twice a week. This really helped me to get back in the track. Thank you for sharing this post, surely it is going to help many :))

Yeah, when we start out fresh, we are often confused as to what is happening. There are so many things to learn and if we just keep on going, we will learn them, like we learned about writer’s block! I am glad you overcame that. That idea of taking 2 days break is a good one. I do that too!! :))

@sauravrungta excellent post. You have played excellent points, I share with you. that exercising or going for a walk or a break between work will be of great help

Enter the blog world just like you, after I got to steemit two years ago, sometimes I thought I felt the symptom, mine was not a block, but to write to like others, I finally realized that You can not write for the tastes of people, without what you feel comfortable doing. and since then I write every day.

Thanks a lot for sharing your experience

I wish you a wonderful weekend

Yeah, Steemit helped a lot of people become bloggers who just couldn't before for whatever reasons. I agree with you that one needs to write for themselves otherwise they wouldn't be able to write regularly.

I entered the blogging world just 1 month ago and already my mind is playing tricks with me...
Write this...erase that...I think of something and it head's into a completely different direction :)

It is true that things happen often.
Welcome and many success dear friend @ blog-fictions

Thank you so much...
Have a great weekend @jlufer :)

I belong to the 2nd category . Have things to write but stare at the blinking cursor. Many pictures stagnant in gallery and I get confused and half edited videos ... I very much want to work on all of it but in the end stares at the blinking cursor. 😐

Yeah that happens. But you shouldn't stress about it a lot. Just take some fresh air or a break and try to find inspirations from here and there. The writing will come soon enough.

Yep and thanks for the inspiration 😊

Thanks for the good hints, I'm in such a block and it seems not want to end. Well maybe mine is due also to that great summer, we actually have in Central Europe. 😉

The block happens for a number of reasons and sometimes we have no option but to wait it out.

One of thing I do is to put ideas on a notepad when I read great articles and check it when I feel uninspired!

That is one of the things I do as well!!

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