How to Feel Better When You’re Down (Without Forcing Yourself to Be Positive)

in #life8 years ago

Life is very uncertain. Sometimes you are having the best day of your life and sometimes you want to curl up into a corner and cry your eyes out. Don’t worry, happens to the best of us.

Well, everyone knows what to do when life is going great and you are happy and cheerful and all that. But what about the tough times, the hardships, times of struggle and heartbreak. Life seems to progress like a slow motion scene during these periods and hard times seem longer than they actually are.

As for dealing with them and making your way through these periods, we most commonly hear advices like, “Be Positive.” Yes, that’s what everyone says and while certainly a good advice, it does little to lift the spirits of a fallen man.

Well, I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to force yourself to feel positive. It can be really hard to do that at times, trust me! I have had my fair share of tough times. So, the question then becomes, “What do you do then?” The answer to that is two folds. Either you can do the curling in the corner as mentioned above. OR, you can trick yourself into a better mood. Our minds can be easily tricked and I’m going to show you how.

1. Music

I think I can say it for everyone that listening to music is literally transporting yourself to a different dimension. Music is a world of its own. It is a really powerful tool at your disposal that you can use to alter your mood. Feeling lazy? Listen to some upbeat songs and bam! You’ll be dancing in no time. 

Similarly when you’re feeling down, you could listen to some inspirational music or dance music or anything that can lift your spirits. I know you don’t want to when you’re feeling down. Your finger just won’t tap that song on your phone. But do it once and you’ll be well on your way to feeling much better.

I personally listen to some Green Day, AC/DC, Avicii, Calvin Harris, and others, all of whose songs are so upbeat that I forget all about my problems and start having a good time! I then realise that my problems were only a state of my mind and weren’t as huge as I was making them to be!

2. Call Your Best Friend

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I can’t even put into words the importance of friends in life. Your friends are your second family. They are your endless supply of support, comfort, help and inspiration. Better yet is a best friend who is practically a brother/sister, not by blood, but by bond.

Whenever you’re feeling a wee bit down, call him/her. Even if its in the middle of night. Trust me, the idiots won’t mind. 

They’ll either tell you to stop bothering them in which case it is only your moral obligation to bother them even more, or they will talk to you for hours until you’re all better. Hell, they might even come to your place for a sleepover which is even better, because then you get to have beer and watch TV! This brings me to my next point.

3. Watch a Fun TV Show

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Have you ever binge-watched a TV show? If you haven’t, stop reading this article and go do it now! I was only kidding. You can watch after finishing this. Haha! It is really a lot of fun when you are watching a show. It is like entering an another world, free of all the monotonies of life.

I prefer comedy shows as it makes me laugh, obviously! Laughter, they say is a great medicine. When you laugh, your brain produces some chemicals that tells your body that everything is fine and you start feeling better. It’s all about tricking your state of mind, actually.

I prefer watching the show, F.R.I.E.N.D.S. I have watched the whole thing for like 2 times and I am currently doing it for the third time. No regrets! Don’t judge! It really is the greatest show ever made! It always gives me a good laugh. Even these days, when I’m stressed out about writing so many articles, I take a break and watch a whole season of F.R.I.E.N.D.S.! Call me crazy but that’s just how I roll!

4. Take A Walk

We’ll tone it down a little for this one. Sometimes all your mind requires, is some quiet time, away from all the noise of modern life. We humans came from nature and long to return to it.

So, in such times, you need to take a walk. It’s better if you do it in a park, but if walking around the city makes you feel better, then go for it. You never know who you might meet or see on your little walk that may change your mood or inspire you to solve your problems.

All it takes is a smile from a stranger or an act of kindness from someone totally random. Your day will turn around in an instant and the person who left for a walk, all grumpy, will return home with a smile on their face.

5. Eat

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Eating your favourite food is another way of feeling better. Again, you can mix and match here. For example you can do it while binge-watching that show or you can do it with your buddies. The more the merrier, right?

My favourite food of all time is pizza. That cheesy delight is a god send that will calm you down the moment you take that first bite. My mouth is watering up even by thinking about it. I think I will have one when I’m done here!

6. Video Games

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There is nothing more satisfying than killing your enemies or chopping the heads of the undead. I am talking about video games of course, not real life. I am not a psycho, relax! The thing is, video games are yet another reality you can throw yourself into and guess what, you immediately start feeling different.

Your emotions will depend on the type of game you’re playing of course but it will get the job done. You could literally spend hours playing games and you end up completely stress free, feeling fine and pumped! 

Follow me for more awesome content @sauravrungta. :)


Lovely post. I always say that doing the stuff you enjoy more is the route to being happier and more positive :)

Go out and do something fun, even if you do not want to. :)

yeah! sometimes you just have to do it!

Just do it! nike! (waiting for my paycheck :P lol)

i know an old German expression which says when translated into English." Nothing is good, until you do it ! " pretty much right on this subject made in this post ! ?? We all need to find that particular thing which presses our own "happy button".

Yes great post @sauravungta. really needed to read that today !! thanks !! up voted !! thanks for your support on my post too, much appreciated !!

Great advice, definitely works. Personally the last one is the best!

thanks! :D
yeah gamers for the win :D

I'm actually sitting here listening to Ed Sheeran at the moment. I find his music really helps.
The worse thing when you feel a bit low is people telling you to smile...

Music is my goto place too! :D

I chose music, positive friends, a funny movie and a walk in the nature!

great to hear that :D

These are great tips. One of the cognitive issues that occurs when you are down is that you fail to consider those things that previously made you feel good or you lose motivation to do them. That's why it is useful to sometimes make yourself do some of these things.

  1. is always my first choice. A walk in the woods every time .

nature is always so soothing! i think that's why we call it mother nature! :)

Hahah awesome post, I agree with all of them except last one, hahah computer games definitely wouldn't cheer me up :P

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