Don’t Chase Happiness When You Already Have It (Lessons From A Story)

in #life7 years ago


Life is what you make of it. I think this is why people who say that it is hard and who say that it is simple are both correct. It’s not that there aren’t easier times for the former and hard times for the latter but I think it depends on where your focus is more.

It amazes me so much that the same life can be viewed by different lenses and different conclusions can be arrived upon based on the different perceptions that people have.

Yesterday, I came across a story that seem to have originated from Brazil but references of it have been found in many other cultures as well. This story truly made me realize that sometimes, we may already have what we are looking for and not even realize it.

More precisely, it was about happiness. Sometimes, in an endless pursuit of happiness, we don’t even realize that we may already have it. Let me first tell you the story real quick.

The Fisherman and The Wealthy Businessman

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Once, a fisherman was resting near a sea shore, under a tree. There was a rich businessman nearby who was on holiday and was taking a stroll on the beach.

Coming across the fisherman, the businessman became puzzled as other fishermen were working and this one was simply laying down under the tree. The businessman asked him, “Why are you not working like those other fishermen?”

To that the fisherman replied, “I have caught enough fish for the day”. The businessman got infuriated as if he had said something stupid and asked, “What do you do with the rest of your time?”

The fisherman said, “Well, I spend time having fun with my wife and children. I take naps. I also spend time hanging out with my friends in the evening in the village, sipping wine and enjoying music all around. At night, I take a walk with my wife along the beach and have a really peaceful and happy time.”


The businessman, seemingly unconvinced, quickly shot back, “Look, I am a rich businessman and I know how business is done and let me tell you, you ain’t doing it right. You are wasting so much of your time which you could easily use catching more fish.”

The fisherman stood up and asked, “What would I do with more fish?” The businessman said, “If you have more fish, you’ll make more money and then you could buy a bigger boat and catch even more fish and make more money. Slowly over time, you could build a company out of this and then sell it for millions.”

The fisherman then asked, “But wouldn’t that take a lot of time?” The businessman answered, “Yes, it could easily take 20 years but then you will be as rich as me!” The fisherman asked, “Then what?”

The businessman said, “Once you are rich, you will be able to wake up when you want, play with your children, spend time with your family whenever you want, hangout with friends and enjoy life peacefully.”

The fisherman smirked and said, “Isn’t that what I am already doing now?”

Moral of the Story


These days, the number one goal in many people’s lives is making money. This is because, people perceive this to be the pursuit of happiness. Having enough money is thought to be liberating and something that brings security and peace to life.

While that may be true, there is also a point to be made that many people can spend their whole life chasing money and still get nowhere. Also, even if you get there, it could be too late as your prime of life would be over by then.

The moral of the story is interpreted differently by different people. Some would tell you to be happy with what you have. Some would say to enjoy the present and not worry too much about the future. I personally learned that you shouldn’t chase happiness when you already have it.

Anyways, I thought the story was really meaningful and so I decided to share it with you all. Please do tell what you make of the story and its moral.


This is definitely one of your best articles. WELL DONE! I would comment that happiness comes from a happening and is external and short lived. Real joy comes from inside you and is internal and yes longer lasting. Again a big thumbs up my friend!

Well said @enjoywithtroy, I couldn't agree more. True happiness is cemented within

Thank you so much for the kind words. Really means a lot :)

You are 100% right, true joy comes from within :)

Great post. Love it.
In my humble opinion, happiness is when you are satisfied with what you get. And sadness when you are not
Also in one book noticed a description why people are never satisfied with what they have and complain.
You register at a hotel. And the reception, front desk agent tells you that half of the rooms have the view to the street - which is vibes, parties, traffic and Life, in general, going on.
And the other half of the rooms have a view in the yard - and there is a garden, flowers, bees, fountain with water, birds singing in its branches and it is all Harmony, Serenity, and Tranquillity.
So you choose Street room. And you have fun watching the resort area shenanigans from the balcony. And you party yourself. And then after several days you are tired of noise and buzz. And you ask to move you to the Garden room.
And you are sleeping like a baby. And wake up with the birds. And you enjoy the harmony of nature.
And then in several days you are bored. And not satisfied again.

And then you ask to change again. And again.

Yes, this is exactly what happens. Never being content is kind of a curse of humanity.

It's a meaning full story
We all have our definition of happiness, but one thing is true with everyone that is
neither happiness nor sadness stays forever
We try to find in content in material things but end up being more discontent, perhaps a reminder of our mortality will make us be grateful and focus on the good things.

Really well said :)

Happiness/sadness is all a play of chemicals in the mind.
It's in our hands what chemicals we want to release in our brain.
When we think we are happy even in a bad situation, we automatically tend to become happy and think that things could've been worse and that we're lucky to be in this better situation.
Try getting a forceful smile on your face for 5 minutes whenever you're depressed/sad and see how your sadness turns into happiness. :D

That is a really wise advice and something I follow too. As you said, it's all chemical reactions and those can be manipulated easily :)

Good story, well written.
Life is music. The point isn't to get to the end or to a single note, but to enjoy every second of it.

As I heard it said...most people on death bed as a last thought don't wish they had spent more time filling their bank account...

That is so true!

lets put it another way, happiness vanishes as soon as we want it to make it last :)

I had to read that twice to understand! hehe

Yep. So right. People should live more in the present as it becomes past so quickly. Not to worry too much about the future.
But as we all know - people are so different- fisherman and businessman..

Yes, correct. There are different people.

Good story, well written.
Life is music.

Thats a great story. Everyone understands life differently and keeps chasing happiness. Thank you for sharing :)

Thanks for reading :)

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