Actions Speak Louder Than Words

in #life7 years ago


The difference between what one says and what one does is as stark as night and day. Words mean nothing in today’s world which is full of people that are ready to deceive you at a moment’s notice.

It’s a sad reality and one might say that I’m being pessimist here but haven’t you noticed the same in your own life too? Growing up, we get enough experiences that are enough to let you know that people are more like chameleon these days. They change colors depending on their own selfish needs.

I’m not saying that there aren’t good people in the world. In fact, I would like to believe (or hope rather) that there are more good people than bad and I can say that I’m lucky enough to know quite a few good people in my life too. But there are enough bad people in the world to make me concerned.

That is why I think we should all have the ability to understand people better. I know it can be really difficult. Even psychologists do not fully understand human behavior but there might be a helpful trick.

Observe What People Say and Do


If you want to know what a person is like, you need to observe what they say and what they actually do. Actions always speak louder than words. Somehow, our actions always tell the truth because we act according to our motives.

I want to repeat myself: words do not mean anything in today’s world. Promises made these days are mostly empty and people will say anything to fulfill their own agenda. It’s a world full of two-faced people, or rather multi-faced to be more accurate.

So, if you want to truly know and understand someone, notice their behavior towards you and towards others. This shows their character and true intentions and will let you know if they are worth your time and effort.

Life is too short to be wasted on people who will just try to use you and be done with you when you have nothing left to offer. So, be cautious of who you let in, in your life. You don’t want to be a chewing gum!

Be Careful With Your Own Actions Too


While it is important to observe other people, it is more important to observe yourself too. Make sure your actions match with what you say to people.

For example, if you love someone, only saying it is not enough. You have to prove it with your actions continuously, or the other person might not believe that your love for them is true. It’s very important in any relationship to show your feelings through your actions, not just words.

Similarly, don’t make promises you can’t keep. Doing so will only make people trust you less and as we all know, trust is like a paper. Once it is crumpled, it can never be perfect again.

It is always wise to be absolutely honest, no matter how much the truth could hurt. At least, you won’t keep people in the dark and dangling for hope where there is none.


Talk is cheap, it's easy for people to talk about things and build mountains with their mouth.

The best way to maintain integrity is keeping to our words

not agree if you talk cheap then u should start learn to talk :X : :X

Yeah, anybody can say the grandest of things, but actually doing it is a totally different thing.

This post has been upvoted and resteemed! I started to follow you so I can see more of your work.

I agree that loyalty and keeping words is very hard to come by now, and it seems everyone has a motive behind their kindness. Staying guarded gets exhausting.

Loyalty is a rare thing in today's world. You are absolutely right that there is always a motive behind kindness in today's people. As long as you are doing something for somebody, they will keep being kind to you, otherwise, they will simply forget you and find someone else to do their bidding.

i agree also when you speak Louder people start feeling annoyance

haha they sure do!

What a sensible post this is! Thank you for writing this awesome article. This is the most important thing to watch in today's world. This is a true read in steemit.

Thank you so much for the kind words :) I really appreciate it.

@sauravrungta. Times really have changed,back in the good old days when you could get a measure of a Man by his Words. The days of the Complete Gentleman whose words given in promise was his bond. Now we have to match words with actions or risk getting burned by misplacing our trust on those not worthy of it.

Times sure have changed. Words given by people can simply not be trusted anymore. Only trust those who have a record of backing their words with action.

Actions always speak louder than words.
That's indeed always important to keep in mind. I love this also "trust is like a paper. Once it is crumpled, it can never be perfect again."
I actually didn't know that! That's a new one for me and I will use it for sure.

I am glad you found my words interesting :)

Like they say actions speak louder than words. I would say maintain distance and avoid trusting blindly.

Those are true words of wisdom. Avoid trusting people blindly.

What you say is true. Know though that over 90% of communication is non-verbal. Our mouth is a filter or censor for our thoughts (For those who have a filter). Otherwise we have an epidemic of Diarrhea of the mouth. That becomes repulsive and disgusting and inhibits effective intellectual intercourse. Of course silence is a form of speaking as well, unless that silence is silenced and worthwhile stimuli comes erupting. Thanks for your Steemit eruption of thought. May it provoke a volcano of response.

You always have such nice things to say and I am glad you could provide your insight on this :)

I alway say so. ”Actions speak louder than words “

Yup. It's really true.

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