4 Life Lessons We Can Learn From The Walking Dead

in #life7 years ago


Who doesn’t like a post-apocalyptic show filled with zombies eating live people in the goriest of ways possible, people killing zombies every way imaginable and also people killing people, right?

The Walking Dead is THE zombie show on TV right now and I must say, it is one of my all time favorites. It is not your average post apocalyptic show that is all action only and encompasses several key elements that really makes you fall in love with it and takes you on a journey with the characters.

In doing so, the show really makes you question the foundations of what it means to be a human as the show is literally about the struggle of the living in a world filled with the undead. In such a stark world, all human aspects really get heightened and the show does an amazing job portraying it.

Here are some of the life lessons I have learned from watching this show over the years. I would be glad if you share some of your own too.

We Need People


If I asked you what you would do if a zombie apocalypse were to really happen someday, I think many of you would say that you would rather live in isolation and work alone because that sounds like a more rational thing to do, considering how complicated things can get in a group.

That however, wouldn’t work. Well, if you are a master survivalist, then that might be a different story, otherwise, you would have to rely on a group. This has been shown time and again on the show.

How many times have we seen our favorite characters being saved by another character in the nick of time? Too many times. Different people bring different skills which all come handy in such a world.

The same goes for life as well. We need different people in our lives. We are social animals and long for these human connections. Bottom line, we need people in our lives.

Follow Your Intuition


Every living organism has survival instincts built in and nature has given us all various ways of ensuring our survival. We humans have our five sense organs and our intellect to survive as well as do things that are exclusive to our own species.

But often in life, we just can’t seem to understand what to do next or whom to trust or stuff like that. Our sensory organs don’t collect data that can help us in such situations.

There is something called intuition however, that ‘gut feeling’ that somehow knows what to do and how to do it. We have all experienced these feelings and have acted upon them and surprisingly things work out!

In the show, characters are seen going with their gut feelings, especially the central character Rick and that has led to saving of his friends’ lives so many times.

Life Is All About Decisions


We are making decisions all the time, be they big ones or small ones. Where you are at this point in time, was determined by all the decisions you ever made in your life.

Even the slightest of difference in one of your decisions in your past could mean a totally different life for you at this exact point in time. You never know which decisions could take you in which direction, good or bad.

I think this is a very powerful realization and if we are more conscious and thoughtful of everything we decide to do, we can live a far more controlled life (despite all the variables).

This is so beautifully portrayed in the show. When your favorite character meets their end, you can’t help but think if only they had taken that right instead of left. Life truly is all about decisions.

You Are Stronger Than You Think


Life can be really cruel sometimes and can smack a brick on your face without a moment’s notice. It often leads a person to confusion, feelings of being lost and defeated.

The thing is, what we fail to realize at that point in time is that, no matter how cruel life has been to us in the past, we have always found a way forward, and each time those periods of hardships teach us important lessons and make us stronger.

As the saying goes, “What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.” We all have enormous strength within us to handle any kinds of situations imaginable. We just need to learn to get that strength out.

In the show, we see several characters that were timid in the beginning but now have become total badasses. They had it in them all along and it was only a matter of bringing out that badassery in them.

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Lessons learned! Very good approach to a tv series.
There are lots of things to take lessons from life itself,even from a tv series.

Thanks for reading :)

Great tips about life bro and done a great job!
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cant resist to think about viking wall or roman turtle when i watch zombie shows n movies.

shield&short sword + long spears.

maybe there were zombie apocalypse during Alexander the Great, but they killed them so easily, everyone thought their stories about it are drunkard faery tales... didnt even entered any epic saga compilation from that era..


Nice post - that's the first time I'd ever seen a post that draws lessons from a post-apocalyptic show/movie!

You gotta look everywhere ;)

Great post buddy. You always make us learn a lot of things through your posts. Just amazing lessons of life.
Regards Nainaz

Thanks for reading :)

Who doesn’t like a post-apocalyptic show filled with zombies eating live people in the goriest of ways possible?

If there was a zombie outbreak and a collapse of civilization, it might be the best thing that ever happened to us. Things would be rebuilt in a much better way, I think

haha, definitely a restart!

Follow Your Intuition

One of the best bosses I've ever had was big fan of telling people to "go where the energy leads them", i.e to do the work they felt motivated to do in the moment. Not sure how much it ties up to intuition, but it comes down to understanding that you always live in the present, and need to make decisions and do work there and then that is the most effective and efficient.

At least it has worked well for me :)

That is a really wise suggestion :)

And never leave your wife with your best friend alone! Like never! :) very good post!

especially if your best friend is also the Punisher ^

LOL Can't help it if your'e in a coma though :P

Your topic choice and the tone of your articles is so on point! Thanks for the creativity and alternative perspective :)

Thanks so much for checking it out :)

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