What is the difference between living and existing?

in #life6 years ago (edited)

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This question can be viewed from two different angles. One is of scientific and another being philosophical.

From  the scientific point of view, any specimen that you come across comes  under the category of 'existing' since you can sense and feel it. The  specimen has to satisfy one more condition in order to be known as  'living'. It must show the additional signs of anabolism and metabolism  happening within it and also must have the capability of moving on its  own either by means of real movement or through growth. In short, plants  and animals are living beings whereas stone and soil are mere existing  beings.

However,  when it comes to the real substance of your question, which I'm quite  sure was about philosophy surrounding the human beings, It got some  entirely different meaning. Its elaboration itself can take up more than  a 500 page book. However,  it is also possible to make it in two  sentences. Obviously I'll go with the latter!

In the language of  human beings, if you are doing nothing substantial other than following  some survival practices such as eating, sleeping and again eating, you  will be referred to as mere existing creature. Your existence adds zero  value to yourself and those around you!

On the other hand, if you  are doing something great either for yourself or the society around you,   then you will be regarded as a person doing something substantial and  you for sure will be regarded as 'Living' creature. See, you are adding  value to yourself and also those around you!

I have chosen to live. What about you?

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