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RE: ⏺ Turn everything you touch into gold! Part 1

in #life7 years ago

I think at the end of the day it comes down to a split of how certain people think.

Some expect for things to just work, they feel entitled, they deserve it. Those are also the ones that complain and look at things negatively when they don't succeed regardless of the amount of work they put into what they were doing.

Then on the flip side there are those that have been against the odds and see the competition and the success' and say "I can do that", and then they bust ass, pull strings, scrap together what they have to in order to make it work. Those are the people that when they don't succeed, they identify the reason why, fix it, and go headstrong at it again with improvements. They don't expect for it to work, they don't feel entitled, they don't feel they were born deserving it.

It's Rock Lee vs Hinata almost (although neither of them were arrogant or self-entitled). Rock Lee had no natural talent and had to bust it to get anywhere, and he did and he became a bad-ass ninja. Hinata was born a "genius" ninja, but she was fairly worthless until she shed that mentality and started looking up to Naruto and busting ass as well.


Yeah man, but Naruto was talented and worked hard besides that.
Lee had no talent, so doesn't matter how hard he worked Naruto became the greater Shinobi.

I think you explained that comparison nicely Shade! It's pretty accurate.

I think the one thing is the deserving part. I believe people who WANT things, do not get them. People who WANT, are the first example of characteristic you explained.

People who truly DESERVE what it is they want, are the people who achieve. In order to be deserving, one needs to pay the price. It's that price that most people are simply not willing to pay. Most people think it's a ripoff, and think it's too expensive.

Nicely said :) Stay tuned!

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