Trust And Believe In Yourself

in #life4 years ago

Trust And Believe In Yourself, written by Denis Waitley, is a guide for people who have issues with self-confidence. It's a book about self-confidence and also serves as a tool for creative expression. It may not have the humor that some other books have, but there are many good lessons and practical advice that really get to the root of the problem. The title "Trust And Believe In Yourself" is somewhat of a misnomer. There's no divine plan or an outside source that you need to follow, it's simply a call to you to begin working toward building your own self-confidence.

Waitley starts out with a chapter on how everything in the universe is a belief in itself, including your own self-belief. Everything that you experience both in this life and your future are actually belief systems, whether you realize it or not. You need to be able to believe in yourself at every time and everywhere, and there is no limit to the potential number of beliefs you can hold at any given time.

As he goes through the chapters, he points out that most people have a tendency to be too focused on what others think of them and how they look. They are so focused on what others think and see, that they are rarely focused on what they believe or how they feel. They are filled with self-loathing and insecurity because they cannot understand why they are so insecure and have such a low self-confidence level. This book explores how you can work on building your self-belief and creativity.

In chapter one, "What Are The Most Creative Beliefs?" Waitley examines how your creative energy is constructed. He has you look at your favorite things, and list all of the reasons that you enjoy doing those things. He then asks you if you believe that what you are doing is creative or if you are satisfied with whatever you are doing.

After reading this book, I was very thankful for the way Waitley broke down the creative process and the way he encouraged me to look at my own creative process. He made it easy for me to understand how self-belief and creativity works. He did not allow me to believe that I was not creative and it was difficult for me to accept that. But, with a lot of hard work, I was able to make myself believe that I was a creative person. Now, I am constantly working on increasing my self-confidence and trust in myself.

Chapter two, "Building Your Self-Belief and Creativity," looked at how you can start using your self-belief and creativity to let go of some of the insecurities you have. Waitley points out that many people have insecurity about not being good enough. When you try to excel at something, you become frustrated because you think you are not good enough. If you read this book, you will learn that it is possible to let go of that feeling of doubt and insecurity. You will become more comfortable and less tense because you will realize that there are plenty of great things in life that you can strive for.

The final chapter of Trust And Believe In Yourself, "Saying Yes To Everything," looked at how you can use this simple affirmation to become successful in all aspects of your life. It starts by asking yourself if you believe in yourself. Once you start believing in yourself, then it becomes easier to say yes to the things you want in life. If you do not believe in yourself, then you cannot say yes to anything. This book taught me that if I do not have confidence in myself, then I cannot do anything. Once you have faith in yourself and you have faith in your abilities, then success comes easily.

As you read this book, you will notice how you feel when you are in the right place and when you are in the wrong place. You will see how you can handle adversity and pain and stress and you will realize that there is nothing that you can't handle no matter what life brings your way. With some hard work, you can always find the right place or the right attitude to be in and you will be able to handle any situation that life puts you in. You just need to believe in yourself and trust in your abilities, and then you will find your path in life. When you read this book, you will be amazed at how easy it is to say, "I can do this."

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