Nobody Makes Mistakes - But Everybody Makes Mistakes

in #life3 years ago

Do you sometimes wonder what makes everyone makes mistakes? Well, it's actually pretty simple. When you are trying to learn something new, it is very easy to make errors. Some people learn easier than others do, but no matter how good someone is at something, there will always be an element of trial and error.

Mistakes are never that bad, and this is why: When you make mistakes, don't get too upset and don't start to cry; just start counting backwards again. And if you had only made it to eight or nine then, well, you still can kiss me, and be my friend; because everyone makes mistakes. The only thing different about making mistakes is the learning process.

Big people make more mistakes than small people. They are usually older and know better ways to deal with making a mistake. This could be their career, their friends, parents, teachers, bosses... The list is endless. Although, most big people never have to make any mistakes, everyone makes mistakes from time to time.

The big mistake is trying to stop doing what you're doing if a mistake happens. For instance, if you're doing your homework, and you accidentally type in the wrong number, instead of correcting your mistake, which would be correcting your method of typing, look up the definition of the word "method" on the dictionary. When you are trying to figure out why someone made a silly mistake, instead of stopping what they're doing, which would be admitting that they are stupid and that they don't know better, you should ask them how they could have done it. If they tell you that they didn't mean anything by it, ask them why they typed in that word. This will teach you a valuable lesson in how to read.

The second big mistake is expecting you to do things better than everyone else. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time; this is the harsh reality of life. You shouldn't hold yourself to perfection because you think it's what you should do. Just because you have done something to correct the first time doesn't mean that you can do it perfectly the next time. Everyone makes mistakes; it's just part of doing your job.

The third mistake is holding you up to a rock bottom instead of getting back up. Everyone makes mistakes but keeps going on about how they won't make mistakes again. If someone hits a rock bottom and can't climb back up, don't let them off the hook. You need to take small steps forward and just continue to strive to be better. If someone hits a rock bottom and is willing to change their life and work hard to get back up, don't sit around and say "I can't do it" because you won't.

The final mistake is not accepting that you've done wrong. Mistakes are made by both humans and machines. We get emotionally attached to our machines because it makes us feel safe. When something goes wrong with our machines, we get upset that we've caused this to ourselves. People must learn to not become upset over mistakes that aren't as big as they are made out to be.

It's important to note that everyone makes mistakes from time to time. We all have to rise above the mistakes we make and move forward. By recognizing when we make mistakes we'll be able to use our past experiences as motivational tools to continue to strive forward with our lives and goals.

Everyone makes a mistake. The only difference is what those mistakes actually are. If you make a conscious decision to change something about yourself then you have made a mistake. For instance, if you decide not to repeat an act that has caused you a lot of pain, then that is a mistake. On the other hand if you decide to eat less chocolate because you're concerned that you're gaining too much weight, then that is NOT a mistake.

One of the biggest problems we face as people is making the decision to try something new. A lot of people think that if something is going to work for them it will work for everyone else, but this simply is not true. Making mistakes is how we learn. As we continue to try new things, our minds and bodies continue to grow and adapt so that we are able to progress.

The only way that anyone can get beyond the limiting beliefs that they hold themselves to is to look at their own behaviors and decide to change them. No one is born with a blank slate, everyone makes mistakes, and the only thing that stops you from changing is your own beliefs. Once you do this you will be well on your way to freedom. Then, the next time that someone decides to make a big mistake, instead of stooping over backwards to apologize for them, you will be able to walk right up and correct them without even thinking about it.


This post is really really educative, nobody makes mistake, everyone makes mistake.
Understanding this will help us to walk on our attitude towards mistake and corrections.
@sarkari am happy to read this post

This post is really really educative, nobody makes mistake, everyone makes mistake.
Understanding this will help us walk on our attitude towards mistake and corrections.
@sarkari am to read this post

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