10 Things You Can Do To Stop Repressing Your Feelings

in #life3 years ago

The practice of repressing your feelings is a major theme in the area of healing. Feelings are an integral part of life and are meant to be experienced, understood, and released. Repressed emotions are the result of repressed feelings and not as a result of being angry or depressed.

The process of repressing your feelings is not about trying to make yourself "uncomfortable". It is about using the process of trying to stay busy to release those emotions you are having a hard time expressing. You can do this by making lists of all the emotions you have and then dealing with them one at a time.

If you are repressing your feelings and anxiety, then you have to get rid of them. One of the best ways of doing that is with the power of positive thinking. Taking control of your mind and replacing negative thoughts with positive ones is a great way to deal with your anxiety. Here are 10 things you can think about when dealing with your anxiety.

One: You may have an idea how you will feel when faced with an unexpected life transition occurs. You don't want to feel overwhelmed because that can lead to depression. So the first step is to write down your feelings on a piece of paper. Then, when an unexpected life transition occurs remind yourself that you will be okay.

Two: You may think that you are just postponing your feelings until another time. So write down a list of all of your emotions that are related to the event that is occurring. Then you can remind yourself that you will be alright and may think that there is nothing wrong.

Three: Another way of repressing your feelings is to tell yourself that you can handle it. When you repress certain emotions, you force yourself into situations that are difficult for you. When a new person comes into the family, the first thing you may think about is their personality. You may think that it is your job to change the personalities of everyone in the household. This can be very destructive to the other person's well being. Instead, create a positive spin on everything.

Four: To counter the destructive effects of repressing your feelings, you can focus on the positive aspects of what is happening instead. If you get mad at your ex, instead of getting upset at your ex, focus on how good you feel now with your new partner. Instead of worrying what your ex will think, focus on the feelings you have right now. This may sound silly but if you can really feel like something is wrong you are less likely to panic and hide from it.

These four steps are very effective at clearing your mind and repressing unwanted emotions. As you repress your emotions, you will have to face them head on. You may find this uncomfortable or even embarrassing. However, if you can face your suppressed emotions head on and deal with them, you will be able to feel better immediately. You will be empowered and you will feel better.

You would rather keep your emotions locked up inside than to let them out and face them. Your emotions are powerful. You can use them to make your life better. However, you will have to repress those emotions in order to do so.

If you try this method, however, you may not feel any relief right away. If this is the case, you will just have to continue repressing those unwanted feelings in order to make yourself feel better. Eventually, you will be able to release those emotions and feel happy again. But you must take the time to repress your feelings in order to get to a happier place quickly.

These steps will help you repress your feelings and release them gradually. When you are ready to face your problems, you simply put these steps to work for you. You can change your outlook on life. When you are ready, you can use these steps to build a happier, healthier relationship with your family member or loved one.

Repressing your feelings won't make you feel any better. It won't take away the cause of your anxiety. The way to stop repressing them is to face them. With enough practice, you can learn how to release your anxiety without withdrawing from people and situations.


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