
cool post

In my opinion as much as people know the value of this valuable monument a global wave is forming that can protect them from everything bad that can be happen to them and sharing this photos can illustrate their beauty and importance of such places and it's positive. by the way thanks dear friend for sharing such nice photos.

I totally agree with you. If you do not know you do not protect !

it is very sad if we could not take a picture when we there somewhere invaluable such as the place you share on your post.

maybe if I am I will strive and had to wait to wait so that I can take moments of the most beautiful rare we get

i agree

Strangely, taking photos can sometimes distract from looking at what is there with the aim of fully experiencing it and storing it for future remembering. For instance, I once saw a total solar eclipse, and I just enjoyed the experience, without taking photos. Had I taken photos, I would not remember the eclipse so well, because of divided attention.

In this case, it is just plain silly to take photos of these paintings when there are much better fotos of the same paintings on the interwebs, and you could have looked a the painting at your leasure and fully concentrated. If everybody thought that way, there also wouldn't be crowds blocking the view with their phones.

but so you have a personal memory ... and this is very important.

I've taken it to another level :)

good job

Ottima idea che descrive molto bene i nostri tempi....

eh si

I loved your positive perspective! I think that we live in a liquid society where our lives pass through a digital stream and become themselves that stream. In my opinion, call me old fashoned, I prefer those that put their devices apart and just try to capture the beauty and safeguard its memory in their heart. On another hand, I understand that it's maybe a way to try and grasp something eternal in a world where everything changes frantically 🙂

è un modo di portarsi via un pezzo di bellezza...non fa male all'opera d'arte e aiuta a diffondere questa malattia...

Si potrei darti ragione, ma ho ancora questa sensazione addosso: che tutte queste persone prese ad armeggiare coi loro smartphone questa bellezza che cercano di catturare non la vedano nemmeno.. #ARTnotherkindofporn

è già qualcosa...credimi....meglio di nulla.....

(Quasi) convinto 😁

:) I know how you feel. I usually try to travel away from the crowd in order to survive similar situations. sometimes it can be really annoying. You look at it from a very good perspective. it seems to make fun :) very successful photographs. congratulations.

and have a nice day ...

yes now I enjoy making these pictures ... so I do not bother anymore ...

unfortunately we always encounter such a stage. There are tourists who make souvenir photos. which makes it difficult for us to photograph art. still not much to do for it. we are just getting used to it. And he did take beautiful squares of moments. I liked these details

Let's try to see the positive side ...

i look your photography very nice

that is talk about art photography how to begins very nice @sardrt

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