Have you known your purpose? I'm glad that I became a part of SteemIt community

in #life6 years ago (edited)


....No man is an island,
Entire of itself
Every man is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main....
-John Donne, 1642

As I was meditating God's Word, I happened to stumble upon this quote. This may be centuries ago but what it meant and its sentiment is as pertinent in our time now as it was back then, and indeed as it was in Bible times.

For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. - Romans 12:4-5

None of us is called to be an island wherein we are isolated and cut-off from others. We must connect with others for fellowship. We learn who we are in relationships with other people. In my case, I knew that I possess some of the good qualities in me being loving, caring, forgiving, and patient. On the other hand, I also knew that I acquire some of the 'not-so-good stuff' about me like being jealous, disorganized, naive and a shy type person, which I am still trying to work on. I learned all these things through my relationships with my family, friends and other people who became part of my journey in life.

There may be times when God is like instructing you to do something alone, but never He will tell you to set yourself apart like an island, and forever be alone - it is contrary to His word and it's also unhealthy to your well-being. In my church, we have an annual retreat or fasting for just couple of days where we need to take ourselves out of our daily situations to focus for something we want to pray for or happen in our lives. However, this kind of isolation shouldn't be the norm. Like Jesus himself, He returned to His disciples with whom He's connected after He prayed and commune with the Father. (Matthew 26:40)

Over the last four years, which has been a fairly tough one for me, the person whom God used to give me hope and encourage me actually lives the furthest distance from me! One lives thousands of miles away, on another continent, and in another time zone. The other one who I thought will be there for me and lives just few miles away from me, but not on my doorstep. I'm nonetheless forever grateful at how God has and does use people to speak into my life and confirm what He wants me to do.

Being here on SteemIt, I'm happy that I became part of this community where I can express my thoughts about God and my experiences with Him without the fear of being judged because as what I have observed so far, everyone seems to be united in the purpose of encouraging one another. My goal here is to make friends and inspire them towards God.

In the same way, if we are not connected to the Church, we're not going to know our purpose, our role, our function, our value and our meaning of our existence. Our value, use, purpose, and identity become evident in relationship to the Body of Christ - the Church.

The Bible tells us to love one another, encourage one another, care for one another, and build one other up - these are our purpose for His glory. You cannot grow in Christlikeness if you play your part in isolation. Thanks for our technology today! It enables us to easily communicate with one another through the use of internet messengers.

Thank you SteemIt community for letting me be part of this group! I see a lot of members are building each other up and sharing their knowledge and craft. 😊 Stay blessed everyone.


I needed this words today @sarahdandridge
Thank you for letting God use you to inspire us here
Keep it up

You're welcome @ryl. 😊 God bless you always.

Wish you much success on this SteemIt journey!!

I think one of my purpose is to help others. I want to build my own foundation so that I can help more.

You have such a big heart! 😊 May God bless you more and grant whatever your heart's desires. Continue to be a blessing. 😊

Thanks, for now I am doing the best I can to help.

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