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in #life7 years ago

Come take a walk in our shoes, living in the Country of Canada. Please remember each Province has different rules, however this is my story. I live in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia, for those of you who do not know much about our country. I was born and raised in one of the most expensive places to live in Canada. I do dream of moving into another country, that doesn't tax you every chance they get. I believe in living off of the land, in the city if you can believe it. I have a massive garden I share with my friends and family. To ensure we all live better lives away from the control of the Canadian FDA, and the government and the poisoned foods they provide us.

Q Maestro tap, tap, tap
OH, Canada.... You screw your citizens again.....

Okay, seriously now...

You have worked every day since you turned 15, paying into E.I. (Unemployment benefits) every single pay cheque you earn. I wont get started on the way they tax us for every dollar earned multiple times till the point that they earn almost 50% of your earnings. That is a topic for another day. Each pay cheque you see more and more adding into that little pot, knowing that one day if something happens my son and I will be okay. This is the all mighty Canadian Government Employment Insurance Benefit, so any working contributing member of society is entitled to this after some requirements. NOT AT ALL, that is exactly what they want you to think. The illusion of the Insurance companies. You are required to have a certain number of hours accumulated I believe it is 800 for your first claim, and you also have many other hoops to jump through.

I am now 31 years of age, and quite a healthy person. I have hypo thyroids disease that I purchase prescriptions for. Please note that our medical system is NOT free. I am 5'1" tall, and only 108lbs. I am very fit, and have played sports my entire life. I go to a dermatologist, I have been diagnosed with a skin disease and I am to take these two medications. Let me tell you, they were both not for the condition that I have. This dermatologist caused major issues to my health, and I have been instructed by my G.P. doctor not to return to him. I do not know at this time if any will be long term issues or complications or not at this time. I am also to remain off of work. I have now been away from work for 2 months, and it has not been pretty. When I finally have my health fully under control, I will be sure to post a wonderful story about that doctor and my health issues in detail.

I have accumulated $2000.00 of debt at this time, because my under awarded Unemployment Insurance and living expenses. They seem to forget, when the average person stops working their living expenses do not stop. Examples: your children being fed, a roof over their head, and we all know the rest of the examples possible for each working person. I am not a person that carries credit debt. I'm sure this is all in perspective for you now.

I have been instructed by my doctor that I am not to return to work, and I am to apply for Unemployment.

I apply for Medical Unemployment, and I have use this service in the past however it was many years ago and things have changed. I now have a 2 week waiting period to endure. Once that was complete, I was told that I am only entitled to 55% of my bi-weekly earnings for 16 weeks, once I past those 16 weeks, my employer will then have to lay me off from my place of employment to continue earning unemployment benefits. That means, technically, they do not have to take me back if my position is no longer there. I have been instructed to be off of work, because my body requires a low stress environment, to become healthy again. Remember this was caused by a Specialist, not by any personal damages or silly things I did.

In Canada, you receive more money from the Canadian Government if; you have never worked a single day in your life, and collect "welfare" or "income assistance", and get several grants to help you pay all of your bills. That is correct, I didn't say living expenses. I said bills, those are items that are not a necessity or requirement to survive of live. They also take care of those items, and are NEVER required to endure a "waiting period". These people are given money by the Canadian Government, paid for by tax payers money. That is also known as the "working folk" of our country. These benifits can be paid within 24 hours to our "welfare or income assistance" recipients.

THEY DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO WORK FOR THIS MONEY, I am speaking of the majority that do not ever come off of these free, well compensated benefits.

This "unemployment benefit" is THE BIGGEST insurance scam in Canada. Their Customer Service agents speak to those who also pay their cheques like diseased riddled, uneducated children.

The Canadian Government also deducts taxes from your E.I. (unemployment insurance), however EVERY TIME you obtain E.I. you owe them money during Tax season.

The saying think smarter, not harder comes to mind here.

This picture says it all, I just wish there was more choice.

stupid neighbour.JPG.jpg

Thanks for reading, feel free to resteem, upvote, or comment.

Sapphire Vixen

search for me on twitter: @sapphire_vixen


Fuck the government..

The news media tells us that canada is PERFECT and that your health care is something that we should imitate.

That is why i bring the charming truth 😘

Barf.... Lol

you will love one of my latest posts
I am with you all the way ...
Can't wait to get on my sail boat and get out of here ... my heating bill is more than most peoples income in 70% of the world .....

every resource rocks trees and land is owned by the government banks and corporations ... we rent our existence from them at a very high price ....

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