My Mini-Freak and Me

in #life7 years ago

So, I never liked being normal or conventional, I was kind of a rebel, not so much now because I'm older, and when I started playing with photoshop, my little brother (nephew), who was also a mini-freak lol was into photography and dressing up 'n stuff and he was my artistic sidekick lol we did sound recordings roleplaying, in which we'd almost peed laughing, funny videos and photos, but then I started smoking weed, and didn't want to expose him to that, so I'd lock myself in my room tripping balls lol and he was outside knocking at the door. "Let me in, LET ME IN YOU SONOFABITCH!! loool I felt bad, but hey! I needed my weed! But then he started growing up and lost interest. He started drinking and going out, and suddenly was too cool and had an image to maintain lol Then he was old enough so I told him the reason I locked him out all those times, and he said "yeah I know, I always knew, but didn't want to say anything" At this point it was too late to go back, and I regret those times we could have had fun together. So to you all I say, have fun and enjoy yourselves and your families, 'cause stuff changes over time, and family isn't something you should waste. Below is a photo from the good old days :) Thank you if you read this, Peace brothers and sisters!



muito fixe esta! realmente deve ter sido preciso alguma erva p conseguir esse efeito, ahahahah.

Sabias que os gatos conseguem blablabla loool Brigadão man, ya verdade alguma hahaha

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