RIP @michaelchrist and thank you for reminding us how brightly the light can shine

in #life6 years ago (edited)


After deciding to take 2 weeks off from writing posts I have been experpiencing what can only be described as a crappy time, culminating yesterday with the news that a friend took his own life a few days ago in Buffalo NY. USA

There are many things I want to say about why I've been having a crappy time but for now I want to focus on what I knew about this man, Michael Wesley Collins. Known on steem as @michaelchrist


We met in Bali a few years ago, connected by a common friend in London. He was looking for someone to document his life as a film and hoped I was the man for the job. At that time I had just finished doing exactly this with a local artist and didn't feel like doing it again, no matter how unique his life seemed.

Like me he didn't wear shoes or eat meat and like me he was a sungazer who wanted only to bring smiles to the faces of those around him, but unlike me he believed himself to be Jesus.


He never actually said these words to me but it was obvious. The way he dressed. The way he spoke. The marks on his hands & feet. I had previously only read about people like him who believe so firmly that they are able to manifest the wounds on their hands and feet where the steel nails penetrated the flesh of Jesus to attach him to the cross. Such is the power of the mind.

He taught yoga and lived on donations while always making new friends who he would talk to sometimes for days at a time. His energy was friendly but strong and forceful at times.

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He didn't seem disappointed that I wouldn't make a film about him, only interested to learn more about me. So I told him about crypto & steemit and the next day he set up his account.

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He posted films for a while but didn't seem too impressed with the small rewards.

He invited me to join a FB discussion group and I quickly became aware that he was developing a massive following of thousands.

After Bali he went to the Holy Land in Israel and continued adding people to the group wherever he went. Some of them were clearly sceptical of his claims but most were sold on the idea and literally worshipped him.

I am not personally in the habit of worshiping anyone but I can see why others might have found him alluring.

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I have followed some of the chat in his discussion group since then and it was in this way that I learned of his death, confirmed with a local newspaper article.

While I don't think he was Jesus I do think he is a very powerful soul with the ability to gather crowds around him and change lives for the better. His message, like Jesus is one of love and there is a severe shortage of people who teach this message so I can only applaud him for trying in his own way to make a difference.


I don't know the details of what happened. Only that he reluctantly returned to his home town when funds ran out and in the depths of a cold winter he became homeless. He asked a friend if he could stay at their home for a week, where they left him alone for a day and found him dead when they returned. His last words online as far as I can tell are these:

"Have compassion for those who have fallen into this horrible state of despair."


I cannot say I knew him well but I will certainly never forget him.

Thank you Michael for shining your light so bright.

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What's happening? Why are you having a crappy time?

Sabrina got pregnant and despite my best efforts she couldn't be persuaded to keep the baby so I had to support her through an abortion which was probably one of the toughest things I've ever done. At the same time all the family suddenly came down with the flu. And this wasn't just the runny nose kind of flu, it was the full blown temperature flu in which the kids cried all the time and I struggled to get out of bed because I was so damn cold. The kids seemed to know what what going on and turned against Sabrina, only wanting attention from me. Which just added to the fun!

Last night was the first in over two weeks I wasn't woken up by anyone crying! So, it appears to be over now but am left with a bad feeling. Sabrina wants to make love but I'm not feeling it any more. Gonna need more time to emotionally recover. And a better bloody contraceptive system!

I'm okay really. Just a bit shocked by what has happened.

Oh, and I discovered some new conspiracies too! Which have a more intense feeling than usual.

Am putting together the first article now on why i believe we are moving into an ice age. And another article on what happens to humans when the sun does a nova. Life on earth is re-set much more regularly than we have been told.

It is easy to get caught up in a 'what's the point?' kind of feeling. Especially when my body isn't performing at 100%

Thank you for asking by the way. Think I needed to say all that!

Uff... I can only imagine how complicated emotions can arise from abortion.

Funny thing, btw, I happened to come across here through hoops and loops when I was cleaning my follows :D

Am glad you didn't clean me out with the rest ;)

Feeling much better generally speaking now and have just published an important article you may enjoy taking a look at:

Wow, feeling crappy is an understatement. Hope you guys can pull through alright, myself, I wouldn't be able to support anyone through an abortion and it would probably end the relationship. But that's just me, and I haven't had to go through that trial so it's easy for me to say. Hope you're all feeling better soon, and don't get any second thoughts about going for the flu shot!

Completely off topic, but as a Finn, I like you're username :D ...and nobody else can have it now that it's under you're control :O

Well it's nice to meet a fellow Finlander

Oh you're actually a Finn, but living in Canada?

Suomessa syntyny, Kanatassa käyny koulut. Oon periaatteessa metsäneläin BC'ssä.

Aivan. Hei, jos kiinnostaa muita suomalaisia löytää, niin käy ihmeessä katsastamassa @suomibotti 🙂

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