My 22 month son can see the future

in #life8 years ago (edited)

I am very much aware of the natural abilities of children. Abilities which are generally misunderstood and left without nurture, so disappear as the children grow up and their perception of this physical world becomes cemented for life.

My son Esteban has shown me on more than one occasion how he has a number of abilities I firmly intend to help him develop.

I am writing this article because one hour ago we felt the ominous rumble of an earthquake during our lunch. The house shook for a moment and we contemplated taking cover, but it was over in a flash and nothing to worry about.

This wouldn't be strange at all if Esteban hadn't repeatedly said the words 'Bali boom boom' this morning during breakfast. He knows we live in Bali and he uses boom as the word for pain. I joked at the time that he was probably referring to an earthquake! After living here for over a year, this was the first earthquake I have felt. So, the odds of Esteban saying these words which put the thought in my head on today of all days seem pretty slim to me.

Another example

A month ago we were driving down a dark alley way (known here as a gang) when he suddenly started shouting 'gecko gecko!' from his car seat in the back. He cannot see the ground from his seat and the alley was dark so for sure, he couldn't see any geckos. Yet 20 seconds later, a large gecko ran out across the path in front of us, illuminated by the car headlights and we had to brake suddenly to avoid it.

How did he see these events before they happened?

He has had a mark on his forehead since birth. A mark in the shape of a V which was so prominent at times I couldn't help but do some research on it.

This is what wikipedia has to say about it: 'Salmon patches (also called stork bites) are very common birthmarks which appear on newborn babies. These marks are small blood vessels (capillaries) that are visible through the skin. They are most common on the forehead, eyelids, upper lip, between the eyebrows, and the back of the neck.'

Day 1

Week 1

Month 1

Present day

I was assured by everyone who knew a thing or two about children that it would fade after a few months.

Yet 22 months later you can all see that it is still there, as prominent as ever. Particularly prominent when he is happy. Which to be fair is pretty much all the time!

Understanding the V shape

I have now had the time to speak at length to various spiritual gurus about this mark on his head and they have all agreed that it means an increased blood flow (and therefore an increased energy) in the region of his third eye, meaning that his third eye is particularly active.

So, my son is psychic! Which frankly, is rather good news. And I am now reading three books on this subject to learn how best I can help him develop his abilities.

Like me, Esteban does not wear shoes.

I believe this connects him to mother earth at all times, leading to a heightened intuition and on a more physical level, he is grounded, so his bio-electric voltage is exactly what it should be.

In conclusion

I look forward with great anticipation to helping Esteban develop this and many other skills which will confirm his arrival here as an Indigo Child with the purpose of helping us all.

And also looking forward to him telling me when is the best time to buy & sell all the new cryptocurrencies I am now playing with :)


Interesting. He is a beautiful boy.

Thanks. Yes, he really is a beautiful soul :)

It is said that Child remains connected to God upto almost 3-5 years after birth.

Interesting. Well, he is certainly connected for the moment. And long may it last :)

If possible, Teach him yourself, Tell him stories of God, More he believe, more time to stay on side of God

Yes indeed. I have been planning an outline for his education since he was born. He will never attend any school unless he expressly desires it. I will teach him that he is a powerful creator, capable of supposedly 'impossible' feats.

One thing is for sure, he will be very different to the children educated by the government system. But he will always be free to choose that which he wants to do with his life.

Your thoughts are really open,
You will be a very good Father :-)

Thank you kindly. I appreciate you saying that. I will certainly always do my best, given my understanding of the world as I see it.

Yes, childreans are mind blowing aware :-)
That is why they have to go early to kindergarten and then to brainwash school ;-)

Haha! And that is why I will be educating Esteban myself :)

That is very clever :-) You can be happy if you are not trapped in the eductional system atm :-)

You are absolutely right my friend. My own education only made me believe I was stupid. Dyslexia & ADHD they call it now. Thankfully I know now that I have been given these 'abilities' to make me a more powerful, instinctive creator!

LIkewise :-) I got messed up from the system too but god thanks we are aware about that and can show that others and fur sure our childrean now :-)
Greetings from Berlin :-)

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