The crypto DAD

in #life6 years ago

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I know cryptocurrencies have been going through some hard times, Ethereum is almost $150, steem is around $0.9, but I still believe in the future of cryptocurrency.

Cryptocurrency like I tell people is not a money making machine, it can pump and give you money in a short time, but it's better to think long term with crypto.

Don't keep houses for your kids to inherit, don't keep money in bank for your kids to come inherit.....

the best houses and cars your own parents had some years ago are not the best today. There was a time when tortoise car was the raining car, where is it today?

What 10 naira or $10 can get you 30 years ago, it can't today.

As a wise parent, just buy at least $100 worth of $BITCOIN and or $EOS + some other cryptocurrencies and give them the private keys when they are done with university.

Be the best Dad, open a bitcoin, steem, eos etc accounts for your


I am thinking in this light. Thanks @ samstickkz. But what wallet is best for the 3 of them to hold?

For the three? Ehmmm I'll suggest bitshares exchange or keep all them in their individual wallets

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 68168.17
ETH 3256.43
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.67