​Maximizing opportunities that surrounds you​

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Tonight we would be having a discourse themed:
​Maximizing opportunities that surrounds you​
When you get to a seashore, every shell you don’t pick as it arrives goes back to the sea.
That means, you can be at the shore and return home without a shell, just because you are not smart and sensitive enough to know how to grasp them.
There is an axiom which goes like this,

​Opportunity, comes but once​
Well I don't think so...do you?
​(My rhetorics)​
I'm of the view that "opportunity will present itself to a man, over and over again till someone else takes advantage of it. Or it naturally get doused, by remedy...
I heard my Mentor define "POOR" sometimes ago, as ​Passing Over Opportunities Repeatedly.​
I think I like that better...
Meaning you can see the same opportunity come to you over and over again till you don't see it again because someone got hold of it.
Opportunities I believe has its own lifespan.

Or rather let me say ​most opportunities​ for the sake of critics...

Am I safe now?😉
Make the best of the Time in the life time of the Time.
Time at ALL times, brings the Best of Times to us...

But only few would see these windows as ​timeless​
Making timely moves is the only way to maximize opportunity.
I want you to know that every great destiny is traceable to great opportunities arrested on time.
...great opportunities, seized in its lifetime🎯
So we have,



​What does it mean to maximize?​

Webster's Dictionary defines it as,

To increase (something) as much as possible:

To increase (something) to a maximum

To use (something) in a way that will get the best results
The Webster dictionary defines ​opportunity​ as,
As set of circumstances providing a ​chance​ or ​possibility​
The chamber's dictionary says, opportunity is an occasion offering possibility, advantageous condition, chance...
Surrounding is our ​immediate environment​
Spheres of influence.
Places where your shadow can cover...
Shadow can mean your strength, initiative, affluence etc
I would rather define opportunity as a chance for great possibilities in a man’s life. It is a gateway to get away from prior failures to great success.

Bishop David Oyedepo said some times ago and I quote,

"Opportunities are life blocks on which great destinies are built. I don’t believe that people lack opportunities; they are only blind to them. Many people miss opportunity because it is dressed in overalls and it looks like work.​

​Many don’t like the word 'work'. They think opportunity is a chance to enjoy what they don’t earn. But that’s not true...​"
Opportunity is taking advantage of situations by the gifts of God in your life. Talent is what most people who call it.
You look at a situation at hand, and by the abilities loaded inside you, you are able to determine where a particular good or idea would sell and you go a step further by taking it there.
A story was said of a man sometime ago.
There was scarcity of kerosene and gas in the city, and this man seized that opportunity to make fortunes for himself.
He went to nearby villages and got firewood, brought them to town for sale and made great gains in six weeks!
That is opportunity!

What prompted the moves he made?
👉🏼 ​He was smart enough to grab a productive idea and put it to work.​
Let me show you one way of locating opportunity.
It is by a search. What you don’t seek, you will never find.
It is your responsibility to seek and conduct a search on where the gifts in you can yield results.

Ask yourself,
🤔 ​“What can I put into the system where I am working or living or where I have access of influence?​
🤔 ​"What contributions can I make to living?”​
👉🏼You should locate yourself within the system;

👉🏼you want to find where you can make an input for something to happen.
​Conduct a search for opportunities!​
Look for where what you know or can do can be traded.🧐🤓👀
If no one hires you, then hire yourself!
Trust me
​No one is really out of ideas to do something that can bring money to his safe and put food on the table. People are just lazy or are AFRAID OF SUCCESS.​
You doubt if this is true?😃
Well, there you have it.

Some folks are so ​mythical​ in their thought or rather, ​superstitious​ in their beliefs that it ​'myopicised'​ their horizon of possibilities of success.
They have, because of the status quo of their family or the success curriculum vitae of their family history hitherto, believe they TOO can't MAKE IT.
Jack Canfield said
​"Don't worry about failures, worry about opportunities you miss when you don't try"​
Erin Hanson also said this profound statement,
​"there is freedom waiting for you, on the breezes of the sky, and you ask 'what if I fall?' oh but my darling, WHAT IF YOU FLY?"​
We are all, in the final analysis, the author of our lives and the determinant the omega.
Why I'm taking time to address our personal life is because, ​Our success very much depends on whether or not we can seize opportunities in our life.​

This, of course, won’t happen by itself.
👉🏼 ​You must do your part to make it happen.​
There are essentially three things you should do
Preparing your mind means ​improving your skills and knowledge in your target niche so that you are ready to tap into the opportunities as they come.​
Without preparing your mind, you may be in the right time and place but you can’t seize the opportunities. They will just pass right in front of you.
Most of the time, you have to dig out the raw to refine...NEVER wait for opportunities on a platter of Gold...

Look out!
It’s not enough to just prepare your mind. You should also prepare others’ mind so that they are aware of your skills and knowledge.

Market your self!

In Branding/Marketing strategy, It is called
​​">Top Of the Mind Awareness"​​
When they have problems related to your niche, they should remember you, preferably as the first name in their mind. That way, they will become your channels of opportunities. It’s all about building your own brand.
Besides preparing and branding yourself, you also need to expose yourself to as many potential opportunities as possible. Finding a lot of opportunities requires you to be out there. You need to be active and visible.

By doing these three things, you will increase your chance to seize great opportunities in your life.
Alvin Tofler in this book "NEW AGE" says

​'The illiterate of the 21st century is not those who did not get to enter the four walls of the school, the illiterate of the 21st century are those who fails to learn, unlern and relearn'​
Evolution happens every single minutes.

The only way to stay on top is to be the first to have the latest information.

Information, no matter how deep it is concealed, would still come out.
Stay ahead of competition by getting the first hand information about what you do.

Someone, somewhere is presently thinking on how to do what you are doing in a better way.
Leonardo da Vinci said,
​"it has long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things."​
👉🏼 ​Don't let today's opportunities becomes tomorrow's what if's​

To make it in life, you don't really need much to start out. Make do with what in around you.
As Theodore Roosevelt said, ​>"do what you can, where you are, with what you have."​
If you would look around, you would see an opportunity you can latch on.

Little Opportunity today is what becomes an empire tomorrow.

Not that most opportunities comes in form of service to people. A stingy or self-centred person would miss such opportunity.
Finally, ​maximizing opportunities that surrounds you is ultimately YOUR decision.​

Take absolute advantage of that service to people that no one is ready to do.
Be sure that, when your plans are defined from the outset, success is assured.

There is no time to waste. ​No matter how many times you say you will, it isn't done until you really do it.​
Look around,
Opportunities that announces men do not come in dreams, they are birthed in little ideas and scribbled thought..
There are myriads of chances around that can spur you into the celestial realm of great success...

They are called ​opportunities maximized in their lifetime


Hello! I find your post valuable for the wafrica community! Thanks for the great post! @wafrica is now following you! ALWAYs follow @wafrica and use the wafrica tag!

Very insightful post about maximizing every opportunities we are presented with. Steemit and blockchain for instance is an opportunity opens to all of us especially those in Africa and beyond. I hope that many will maximize this opportunity.

.... lordjames

Wow, thanks alot I don't even know @wafrica had special curators... I feel blessed. Thanks for visiting

Wonderful and impactful post

Thanks dear

I love the TOMA rule
Top of the mind awareness
Great post
Keep it up

Thanks for the kind words

A cousin was telling me that you only get oppurtunity once in life...after reading this i think i disagree with him

Hehehe, am glad this article made a little impact you, hope to see you again and thanks for reading

Thanks bro for this. Truely opportunities are really everywhere, most times we dont see the or rather too lazy to look.

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