Hey! Retain That Relationship [Part 1]

in #life6 years ago

"He did this.. she did that.. how could she have?.. what was he thinking?" And before you know wassup, the little foxes become mighty dinosaurs and boom!! It would be a breakup. The rate at which breakups are happening these days; if we were to be given a coin for each breakup, we would have produced some whales by now. But the truth is, you can still make your relationship work - but that's if you choose to.


Disclaimer: Samminator is not a relationship expert and the majority of these are reflections from the systematic reviews of past experiences, and the comparison of the same.

That being said, the onus is laid on you to make your relationship work. Remember one of Newton's Laws of motion (as paraphrased by me) - Everything (relationship; in this context) assumes a relative state of rest, until a force or action is applied to it. Relating that to our relationship life; there are actions required for us to take in order to see the success of our relationship. I've coupled up some tips for us, but we'll just take part one here.


Sometimes, our partners could go some extra miles just to please us (which might just appear normal). For example: A friend of mine that works in a place that does not allow for the usage of mobiles phone shared his experience with me. Sometimes, he had to smuggle his phone and sneak into the toilet just to place a call to his bae, but most often, he would be met with "is this the time you promised to call me?" from his bae. Imagine how he normally feels that after risking his job to call her, she would just resume her nagging, and not even see the efforts behind his actions.

And even if he decides not to call her till he gets home in the evening, it would be another world war - if you know what I mean. We need to be appreciative of even the little acts of kindness from our partners, because we don't even know the sacrifices they have to make for that; and believe me; that would go a long way in making them go even further with other sacrifices.

A "thank you" would suffice greatly in building up that your relationship. But most importantly, always add a smile to that. A particular proverb in this part of the world says:

If you thank a hero for what he did for you, he would do bigger things for you. - Nigerian proverb

This summarizes the need for appreciation, and moreover, a "thank you" doesn't cost anything, but it is also beyond price. So guys, keep your relationship very healthy, ward off the little foxes, and be good.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


Showing gratitude for the little our partner do goes a long way to strengthen the relationship.

This; to be honest; is absolutely true.
Thanks for the nice comment

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