Staying Sane while Raising Two or more than two Children

in #life6 years ago

Mothers who are raising two or more children are heroes in every sense. From cleaning to cooking, and from taking their kids outdoors to bathing them, they get no help and still do these tiresome tasks with the same amount of dedication and love every single day. But most of the mothers find it hard to keep their energy levels high on daily basis. On Some days they feel emotionally drained and on some occasions, they feel physically and mentally exhausted for various reasons. It takes a ton of energy, patience, and endurance to raise two or more children without losing oneself.

Here's our expert advice on keeping yourself sane and energetic while taking care of your beloved kids;

1. Prioritize
It is understandable that you want to finish daily chores, give best of you to your children, and have glowing skin and super shiny hair- all at the same time. But it is humanly impossible to get every task done in a day's span. Instead, learn to prioritize and only do things that are most important for that day. In most of the cases, looking after your kid's needs will be your top most priority. It is ok to stay that kitchen untidy for some time and it is perfectly fine to not fold your laundry when you have little time and energy. Free yourself from overwhelming feeling of inadequacy as a mother.

2. Sleep
Sleep is crucial in staying sane when you have to look-after kids as well as home. You may end up sleeping a couple of hours less than the minimum requirement or you may forget to nap to catch up on that missed sleep. It is quite normal in motherhood but the consequences of inadequate sleep are dire as you are lethargic and irritable the next day. So do not feel bad when napping instead of doing laundry or washing dishes. They can surely wait but you won't get another chance to sleep again.

3. Drink

Ok so when we say drink, it does not mean getting drunk on alcohol. Drink lots of water and healthy juices to stay energetic throughout the day. However, an occasional glass of wine at the end of the day can help you relax. Just make sure to say no to fizzy drinks and sugary sodas. A well-hydrated body is crucial in keeping you active and your gut healthy.

4. Establish Rules

Establish family rules that will allow your children to be disciplined and self-dependent in things as packing their school bag, following a strict bedtime routine, getting up in the morning, keeping their stuff in place. Such rules will not only keep their life on right track but will let you have enough space for yourself. Introduce punishments that are constructive, for instance, cleaning kitchen cabinets if someone breaks a rule. You will get a pending work done as well as keep your child’s self-respect intact by not being too harsh for little mistakes.


Thanks highlighting this topic here. A lot of mothers will have reminder about how they should get some rest in between their household work.

Thanks for sharing this article on the issues of mothers and some points on how to overcome that.

women need to be well supported by husbands and in-laws. A little help of looking after kids or helping in cooking or taking kids out for some time allow the mother to take care of other things or to get a short nap will help her feel relaxed and make her more energetic to continue with what she might have planned for the remainder of the day. It's all on the understanding between wife and husband to continue supporting each other.

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Often mothers don’t get chance to take care of themselves... they are busy looking after and running around children... your post is a remainder for mother’s everyone to realize and look after themself also....

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