Pornography, The silent killer of young people.

in #life6 years ago

Almost everyone that uses the internet has come across pornographic material either intentionally or unintentionally. Pornography sites are one of the most visited sites by internet users around the world with millions of users visiting them daily and most of them being male. Starting from as low as 11 years, people easily access pornography due to less restriction measures in place. This has had negative effects on most of these users, affecting them and the people around them.


People that have gotten used to watching porn before have seen sex unnecessary at some stage in their lives. The sensation one gets in masturbating after watching porn gives a person satisfaction that he/she compares with actual sex. This disconnects a person from the real world of relationships and natural feelings for the opposite sex. In the long run, one will get lonely and have a low self-esteem since he/she has not been having an attachment with people around him/her.


Today, you get young people having erectile dysfunctions, a condition mostly attributed to old age. An erection during sex becomes hard to maintain when a person has got used to using fingers to satisfy himself. The penis becomes weak as a result of over rubbing it on the fingers that it can't sustain an erection for a longtime. This brings frustration in a relationship as a man can not satisfy the woman ending up risking breaking it. Some men respond to the erectile dysfunction by using viagra pills to help in enhancing a long enduring erection. And yet all these do is weaken them more in that it gets harder to erect without the pills. All this harmful effect to a stable relationship.


Pornography triggers sex addiction as one starts seeing women as sex tools. The scenes of having sex with multiple partners in different ways becomes entertaining to the viewer and he's mind gets polluted with how he looks at women. This worsens as he continues to watch porn daily, increasing he's sex appetite as well. In the long run he turns into a sex addict, a condition that can push him to an extent of raping someone.

These effects are all costly to one's life and those around him/her. Incase you've been following porn a lot, reflect on this and set boundaries between pornography and yourself. Thankyou for reading.


wafrica.curators (43) · 1 minute ago


singned @jeaniepearl

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