Should internet access be a human right?

in #life8 years ago

In 2016 the United Nations declared access to the internet and freedom of expression online human right and condemned any efforts to hinder people from getting online.

The resolution isn't legally binding and has already seen resistance from a number of countries including Russia and China.

So is the web a right or a benefit want to start, it's important to determine the difference between a right and a privilege universal rights are inherently all human beings, regardless of their race gender or nationality and they can't be lessened or revoked..

Rights are the most basic freedoms humans need complete meaningful lives like the right to move freely and owned property. The same values often serve as a foundation for civil rights which are backed by law.

Privileges on the other hand, are special freedoms and advantages only given to a limited amount of people in short people need rights, but they don't need privileges the internet is traditionally understood as a privilege, however as the web has become integral to human life more and more people begun to think of it as right.

According to a 2010 international poll by the BBC nearly eighty percent of people believe the internet is a fundamental right regardless of whether they themselves use it.

One of the greatest proponents of this idea is Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who in 2013 announced his campaign to get every person on the planet online in his 10-page manifestos.

Zuckerberg argued that because the global economy is shifting toward knowledge base rather than restore space industries those who don't have internet access or a disadvantage

Others however, have argued that the internet doesn't meet the qualifications of a human right when the most famous people to promote this idea was event serve who was coincidentally one of the early pioneers of the Internet in his 2012 new York times op-Ed surf argued that equating the internet with fundamental needs like freedom of speech and freedom of torture is a mistake because over time we will end up valuing the wrong things.

Many fall somewhere in between surf and Zuckerberg arguing that people aren't entitled to the Internet itself, but they do have a right to internet access specifically that each country should have a plan to make the internet accessible and affordable to the entire Population

A UN special report presented the argument in 2011 and the following year the UN human rights council overwhelmingly passed a resolution declaring that people have the right to freedom of expression online and governments cannot block anyone's internet access.

A UN special report presented the argument in 2011 and the following year the UN human rights council overwhelmingly passed a resolution declaring that people have the right to freedom of expression online and governments cannot block anyone's internet access.

The Internet has become a vital force When it comes to today's protests and Rights movements.


if internet is a human right, not saying it is, countries are not complying, as you said, but also, corporations are not complying with free and open access. like youtube causing financial injury to people by demonetizing their work. or facebook or twitter and the #freemilo. can private companies violate people's human rights? on the other hand, people don't have wireless growing out of their butts, just yet. i think i'll stick with my natural rights, thanks. you can have those human rights/slave privileges. #freemilo

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