I Have One Question For you... Are You Worth A Dime?

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Do you want a million dollars? I'll take a guess and say you're answer is "F*** yeah! I do" Well... what did you do to get it? Did you educate yourself financially? Have you conquered procrastination and tried starting a business? Are you aware of the trends and changes happening in the world everyday? In short, what have you done to deserve a million dollars?

Now, you might say

"Oh yeah Amr, there's loads of undeserving people that made over a million dollars. Just look at Kim Kardashian: she got famous off a sex tape!"

Technically she deserves the fortune she has. Kim Kardashian just utilized a common trend that was happening which is leaked celebrity nudes and took it to the next level, and after the initial hype, she kept on posting more content with high VRIN score (a topic I'll write about very soon) to maintain her fame. Nasty or not is up for debate and is very dependent on the person's views, but we can't deny that she made massive success that can't be just acquired by luck.


The deserve it rule goes for all of the 4 pillars of the good life "Health, Wealth, love, and Happiness". Just look at yourself in the mirror and observe your body. If you're overweight and fat, you probably deserve what you've got and if your shredded then, you also deserve what you've got. The real question is how can you raise your "deserve it" factor. I would say that there are a set of intangibles that help you out with this, but the most important of them is awareness; Awareness of yourself and the world around you.

I want you to look down at your keyboard. Do you know what the F7 key does? What about Ctrl + W? F5? The average person probably doesn't know what these shortcuts are even though you use your keyboard pretty much everyday and you're not "aware" to what they do. So you need to figure out creative way to raise your awareness level.


If you read a book called "Almanack" by Charlie Munger a billionaire business man, it'll give you a more in depth analogy of how you can be more deserving. Warren Buffet famous for his quote "The more you learn, the more you earn" was asked by a reporter about how reached his success. His reply was amazing, he said

"If you could go back to your high school years with all your mates and you got an opportunity on getting 10% of what one kid in your class makes in his WHOLE life. Who would you bet on?"

Ask yourself this, who will it be. The straight A kid that never misses a class or the C kid that is always in his own world? or maybe you'd bet on yourself. You would definitely think for a long time about such a life changing question. If you win and you take 10% of a billionaire, that is a hundred million dollars, and if you lose, you end up getting penny change for your pick. I want you to reach a point were you'd go "I would have bet on myself".


Helen Keller lost her hearing and vision when she was a kid and she still managed to go to college, learn how to read and write, and live a fairly normal life for someone with her disabilities. It's embarrassing that us fully normal people can sometimes be blind by our own thoughts and beliefs. You need to not fear life or be discouraged by it saying and believing things like " The world isn't a fair place, I will never get what I want" This isn't true. The world is much fairer than what the media portrays to you. If you deserve something you'll get it. If you give VALUE to the world, you'll be rewarded even if you don't think so. Nelson Mandela got imprisoned for 27 years and told him self "When I get out of here, Imma do big things" and what did he do? He ended a civil war in South Africa and won the noble peace prize all because he wasn't afraid from life and FOCUSED on his goal.

So if you're planning to raise your deserve it factor, and don't want to wait for me to post the other intangibles other than awareness, then you can google Aristotle's set of traits of a successful person. In the mean time, an easy way of becoming more deserving is realizing and stopping what would NOT make you deserving. A basic way of proofing your argument and thoughts. For example, procrastination will get you nowhere. Same thing for uncuriostiy, being narcissistic, having a big ego. All these things will bring you to your grave if you don't work on flushing them out of your system.

So to conclude, find out if you're a deserving human being and if not work on being one because that is the only way for you to get the good life :)


So I'm in Tai Lopez's 67 steps course and I wanted to share what I learned here with the people out there that can't afford paying for the course themselves as well as keep a a simple written blog to return to in the future like some sort of an online journal.


Amazing piece. You responded quite well some of life's typical questions.

I'm just passing on what I learned from other great people that's all! Thanks for the comment. It's so nice when I see people actually reading and engaging with my content.

You are welcome. Keep on sharing awesome content friend.

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