Penjaga Bhara Masuk Islam / Bhara's Guardian Entered Islam

in #life6 years ago

WhatsApp Image 2018-01-27 at 16.52.58.jpeg

SUBHANALLAH Aceh Timur gempar mendengar kabar baik.Binho mendapat hidayah dari Allah untuk memeluk agama islam.

SUBHANALLAH Aceh Timur was thrilled to hear the good news.Binho got the guidance of Allah to embrace the religion of Islam.

Siapa yg tidak mengenal binho idi. Bila anda pernah menetap wilayah idi pasti anda mengenal nya. Sosok pria keturunan tiong hua ini sudah puluhan tahun menetap di kota idi dengan usahanya menjual obat berbagai penyakit.

Who does not know binho idi. If you ever settle the area of ​​idi you must know him. The figure of this tiong hua descendant has been living in the city for decades with his efforts to sell various diseases medicine.

Alhamdulillah beliau mendapat hidayah dari allah. Memutuskan masuk islam dan mempersunting muslimah darah aceh.

Alhamdulillah he got hidayah from Allah. Decided to convert to Islam and to marry aceh blood women.



WhatsApp Image 2018-01-26 at 21.34.05 (1).jpeg



Good read. But i'm also the guy that puts everything into BTC hoping to get rich.

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