What happened since I have started to take cold shower every day?? 7 Facts

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Well I became a Japanese Monkey ! (I have read somewhere there is always a bit of humour in a good article, I do my best I swear ...) . In fact if someone would have told me few months ago that I will start cold showering every day and write an article online about it, I would probably have thought “That is a great idea, I would love to but I just can’t”. And guess what I am doing right now? Just had a nice cold shower and starting to write about all the wellness it brings to my body, to my mind, to my life (and on my new born blog ;)). I hardly believe it while I’m writing it. But let’s get into it.

There are no rules, you do at your own pace your own way. I usually start with warm water then switch to the cold and let the water run from feet to head for 1 to 3 minutes. The most sensitive part for me is the face. Since I have started 3 months ago, I have never missed a cold shower I even saw myself getting back to the shower because I forgot to wash with cold water! No, I don’t like torturing myself it is in fact the opposite. So, let’s talk real, let’s talk facts.

You ready ?

1- Calm and stress relieved: That is the first effect that I have noticed. It is one of the reasons I haven’t done a shower without cold water since I have started this routine. Once you turned off the tap you start to feel peace and relaxation within your whole body, from the feet to the mind. You can even get a kind of “high feeling” (you will tell me about it ) . Probably due to the release of endorphins, dopamine and serotonin because of the cold. A body made happiness Cocktail.


2- Skin tightness: Well, let’s say that I have been practicing sports and exercises daily for nearly a year now but my skin has never been as tight as from just 3 weeks of cold showering. I still can’t believe it. I feel like getting younger.

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3- Cellulite slowly but surely disappear: I have been dealing with cellulite from a young age, like many of us, it took me 20 years (I am 32) to realise that the solution was just there, every morning in my shower. No money is needed , just switch the tap. The cold is stimulating circulation which results to boost the cell metabolism and the detoxification.

4- Skin Hydration and Softness: I have been dealing with dry skin and hair my whole life. Not a shower without moisturizing cream or oil afterward but now my skin stays very soft even if i don't . The cold keeps your skin oil (sebum) where it belongs and prevent your skin from drying out. Furthermore, your skin doesn’t have to create more sebum which could build up, in addition of a moisturizing oil, and cause your skin and scalp to become very greasy.

5- Breathing regulation: As the water gets colder your breath gets deeper and lower witch is known to strengthen the body and relax the mind.

6- Step out of your comfort zone: Cold shower is not something enjoyable, at the beginning at least, especially during winter time. Life teaches to all of us that in order to feel blossomed we need to step over our comfort zone and start doing stuff. Starting cold showering has given me more strength which has given me more confidence to start new life project, like writing this article for instance!


7- Overall Wellness of Body and Mind: For all the reasons listed above and a lot more, I can feel a general wellness of my mind and my body. It has also been proven that the cold boosts your immune system therefor prevents from diseases.


There are plenty of good articles, videos and studies available proving all the benefits of cold shower and how it can improve your life. The better proof comes from your own experience. This article is the outcome of a personal experiment thus, all the benefits listed are what I really feel and what I have noticed after 3 months of practicing. They are only a glimpse of the wellness cold showers can bring into your life.

This is the year of personal experimentation, I wrote a week ago an article about how to wash your hair with water only, which is also a revolution into my little world, the benefits of it are awesome too. Here’s the link: https://steemit.com/hair/@saaab/i-ve-stopped-using-shampoo-40-days-ago-best-decision-ever-after-quitting-tobacco-of-course
I also stopped using any kind of soap to wash my skin as well. I've only used water for the last 6 months. If you ever want to know anything about it leave your question in the comment section, It will be a pleasure for me to answer.

Please let me know what you think, if you have any interrogation or if something is not clear and please don’t forget to share your own experience !

I would like to thanks my mates, The Japanese Macaques of Yamanouchi, who friendly helped to entertain this article. They actually bathe in hot springs as they live in the cold mountains, but they did understand pretty well the benefit of hot and cold contrast. The pictures are from my first trip in Japan 2 years ago. The Japanese monkeys are the most relax macaques ever. You can meet them at the Jigokdani Monkey Snow Park witch is located in northern part of Nagano prefecture.

I hope my article will help some of you to make up your mind and start this new routine !

Have a Beautiful Happy days !



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