4 Simple Ways to Learn to Be Adult

in #life7 years ago

Being an adult is a way of acting by using a mature mindset, and by controlling emotions as well as possible. Therefore, adulthood is needed especially when facing various problems. Mature mindset is not only seen from a person's age, because sometimes old age does not necessarily guarantee maturity and maturity of a person.

Keep in mind, what should be applied to measure adult attitudes is not only in terms of mindset, but also from the aspects of emotional control that must be controlled. The more a person can control his emotions, the better his maturity level. This means that a person is able to sort out something that benefits a lot, a little, or even nothing at all. Therefore, the balance between mindset and emotional control determines how we behave.

Is learning to be mature easy? Predictably, my friend will say "no" is not it? Well do learn to be adult is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. Sometimes have to experience the problem of life first. Because the more complex the problem in the reality of one's life, it will increasingly require patience, fortitude, and extra sincerity.

Why do I say need extra 3K (patience, fortitude and sincerity)? Because when someone is being hit by life problems, most of them are impatient with it, and prefer to escape reality. So, being mature is an option, and the process toward maturity of this attitude can not be achieved spontaneously, but it must be taken step by step.

Learn to Adult with 4 Simple Ways Do you know?

Learning to be adult is very important in life. The more so for a leader who must lead many people. It would be funny if people think we are still childish, let alone age is above 20. Therefore, to train maturity, do the following four ways:

1. Be honest with yourself, ability and limitations

The honesty we do especially with ourselves allows us to learn to appreciate and accept what we have, including our abilities and limitations.

2. Controlling emotions

When speaking or making decisions, it is best to act calmly, without haste. Why? Because emotional attitudes will only make things worse. But keep in mind, controlling emotions is not the same as holding emotions. Because emotions can not be arrested, but controlled. When holding emotions, then one day the emotion will come out bigger and can become uncontrollable. Just like a balloon that holds the wind that goes into it and eventually erupts.

3. Responsible for every action and word

Running away from problems and speaking indiscriminately regardless of the consequences, it is not a responsible nature. In my opinion, we can learn to be responsible from small things.

4. Be open

We can learn from others' experiences and take lessons from them. This experience is like about how to solve problems well, leaving selfish, caring about the people around, and willing to accept criticism and advice from anyone.

Based on the above explanation, I conclude that learning to be adult it must be passed gradually, consistently, and hold the test, while the age is just as a supporter.

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