A Little More On Healing

in #life5 years ago

While you are still immature, filth and foulness will still need to be ejected from your body. While you are very very young, this will be disgusting- crying and shitting and belching and vomiting and all the mess of cherished infants.

While you are adolescent, much of your acquisition of wisdom shall begin with violent contrariness- this is the hypothetical examination of what Thou Wilt against what Thou Wast. Or, in more immediate, accessible vernacular, you imagine yourself as you'd like to be and immediately notice its negation of what you used to be.

Now, a child pretending to be a man, you will utterly reverse the same process, and you will naively skirt death in so doing. If you keep breathing, though, death cannot come to you. If you learn this beyond any lingering doubt (and looking Death straight in the face with your entire being is the only way of this), then and only then will you mature into your permanent form- Life Eternal.

While you are still adolescent, you will burp loudly against your will, for you cannot simply stuff down and deny that same force which had the infant shit itself. You will be embarrassed by this, and you may move as inventively as Thou Wilt along the course - bondage is freedom, verily.

Try watching your breath revivify every part of your living body that you can touch with it right now. You will find, somewhere, sickness. Breathe. The more you do this with your attention on your sickness, the more your sickness will reveal itself to you as your breathing moves it and reorders your very living being.

If you rush this, you may very easily terrify yourself. As I did, when I died to learn this, just a week or so ago. Trust the intuition that in that moment must come to you as it did to me, that Death simply cannot touch that which is animated with breath.

Thou Art God. Use every breath remaining in you trying, eloquently and gently, to prove me wrong.

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