my life of impoverishment - or I didn't sign up for this SHIT...

in #life7 years ago

But I'm still gonna kick it's arse !!!

the process of becoming poor; loss of wealth.
"fifteen years of political instability resulted in widespread impoverishment and famine"
the process of losing or being deprived of strength or vitality; deterioration.
"this caused substantial impoverishment of the soil people"
(ok I edited that line above but you get the point...)

If your in a hurry - just jump to the tl;dr

If you ask any of us stuck in that magic number of ~40million (+/- ~5mil) Americans living in shit - we would tell you that we sure as fuck did't "CHOOSE" to be poor.

NO, it has been thrust upon us like a great Roman sword poited at our faces.

Short story ideas (should I do the time-line or bounce around ??? I suppose that's the magic of the web - you can always link back to stuff you wrote - shit why didn't I think of that before...)

First ticket - driving without a license (or Tennager works his ass off , buys a motorcyle - gets punished. So much for the fruits of labor. There's an interesting word ' labor'. we'll talk about this one later.

My first driver's license was expensive as hell, I think it was like $260 in 87'.

I think the next one was the ol 'rolling stop' or 6mph over. Those are great. But you moved out of mom and dads house to be a fucking adult, sometimes you can't keep up with bills - not when your a carpenter.

So the next license was pretty spendy - pay the tickets pay the 'failure' to appear fine because you "HAVE" to work - thene theres the extra $35 to re-instate something you already paid for.

Oh, we're just getting started about like in the 'Greatest Country on Earth' - what a fucking bullshit lie that is. Unless your talking about the 'Greatest' at criminalizing E V E R Y T H I N G (<~~~ big booming voice)

almost lost a toddler to RSV - followed by eviction and loss of everything
more tickets - more tickets - wait till you get one of the 'driving while suspended' tickets - Oh yeah, let's not forget they get to tow your car and bill the shit out of you for that.

Hmmm, lost my car - can't haul 200lbs of carpenter tools 8 blocks to a bus stop that doesn't runn the hours I would ned it to - or get me colse enough to were the work is. Borrow money - owe money - pay day loans.

Pay day loans are the worst - it's like 'legal' fucking robbery - whay don't we pass a fucking to set the maximum allowed 'simple' interest rate - no more of this fucking amortized adjustable rate theft.

Bank fees- son of a bitch these will beat your ass - especially when you have a short week - then you end up spending half your pay on bank fees and pay-day loans, you still haven't paid your bills becuase there just enough left.

Great let's move to another state - great instant fees to get driver's license - OH LOOK a new thing - mandatory car insurance, now I'm broke and get to give somebody %10 of my hard earned money - EVERY FUCKING MONTH FOREVER (<~~~ big booming voice)

Here's a fun pull-over, bad tail-light - don't give a shit about that, didn't even write the ticket for that - but you bet your sweet ass I got a ticket for no insurance. Great there's a min MANDATORY $250 plus now you get buy "SPECIAL" insurance that costs another $22/mo for 3 YEARS. Yup, you miss your payment - they suspend your license - talk about a fucking unconstitutional debtors prison. Well, except your not really in prison - I mean they won't arrest you most of the time - you just end up giving them %10 or %15 or %20 of your yearly income becuase your a shitty excuse for a human being.

You're a fucking 'law breaker' and you should be punished into never-ending debt and slavery.

I have spent $1000 - $1600 on several occations (4 that I can count) just to pay for fucking driver's licenses - hey, it's a free country.

Greatest country Earth, give be a fucking break - I've grown to hate this 3rd world fucking shithole. If I ever get enough money, the first fucking thing is expatriate and get the fuck away from these stupid fucking crazy 'consertive' pricks. Yeah - 800bill on war and 8mil on the poor - GEE,I wonder where the fucking problem is.

I keep hearing this fucking 'pull yourself by your bootstraps' and 'you need to try harder'. After 15 fucking years of 'trying harder' all I got was a fucking back and denied disability after a 5 year wait. I don't have any bootstraps, that's the problem - a bunch of assholes in suits and ties ripped the straps right off the boots - feels like they might have even poked holes in them.

I had that done to me in Pheonix. Yeah, got stopped boarding my flight to get to my dying son in ICU and some fuck wanted to tell me I was drunk. I hadn't even made a noise or talked to these people. So after my night in jail I get out - they lost my pants so I'm running around in my pajamas had to walk 2 miles to the airport because I didn't have taxi money - the assholes had poked holes in my nice gel insoles - that was a painful walk with nasty gooey hurting feet.

Must haev been my lucky day - I walked right into the same 'Dickhead' cop that arrested mt the night before.

I'll give them this, at least they didn't beat the shit out of me and almost kill me like the asshole in Nebraska. It's a motherfucker to pay your bill when you only make $10/hr. Fucking hillarious - I used to make $15/hr, then I got a degree and ended up making less money than when I was fucking drop-out. Un-fucking believable.

That was dandy, that years tax return went right to the fucking court house. It's like they have 'tax return' radar or some shit. As soon as you get $$$, they know it and then they just get to fuck with you. Over and over and over. Free country my ass.

The only thing you're 'free' to do is shut your fucking mouth and work.

Look, if you think I woke up one morning - jumped out of bed - and decided to just fuck my back up and go get surgery on purpose - well then you can just go play a little game of 'hide and go fuckyourself'.

There's that time I show up at the boss's house on payday and he says ' oh, i forgot to tell you - i filed backruptcy'.. Are you shitting me??? No warning, cops wouldn't arrest his ass for theft - I get fucked out of $2k and almost end up homeless because of some other asshole - but somehow that makes me the bad buy for not 'working' hard enough, or not 'doing' my best. Fuck that.

The list of things todo:
+Love the wife
+keep on learning nodejs - get slick rippled api running
+i'd like to study ecs (entity component systems) and see how that could fit into 'gamified' api ?
+try to be more active on social media (hard to do when crash course studying 12hrs a day)

**The easiest way to help the broke carpenter is an upvote and maybe a resteem.

The next best way is to sign up for the fucking fastest dex on the planet - bitshares -

and there is always the good ol' just send it to a wallet

xrp (ripple) : rL4fPHi2FWGwRGRQSH7gBcxkuo2b9NTjKK
bts : rxhector2k5
btc : 14kqFXASNjFxw8kNcJFWd1rbptwrPw8xcT
eth : 0xc112088e2236b137c37c265d23803e52e9c505a3
drk (dash) : XeHLfeMcLdTQ7D9qBA62ch6CyQxNhJshfK
doge : DLYfYwvt6idVCmoq5BbLBGhWP6ohgxuPbq

###projects you may end up funding
+better server
+better network equipment (better switch/router)
+better drives (need storage space on servers - thinking about a boinc node)

+future servers/vms
need to run a bitshares node
investigate eos

+need to run a steemit node

+colocation = $650/mo
+server = ????; (cluster @$5k/ea)
+bills = $2k/mo

unemployment ain't gonna fix that

i got a few website/gamification ideas - but need to get network and nodes running better before jumping back to development environment

© Me &tm;
peace ;)


WOOT WOOT - my first comment from you methinks - i been following you for a bit (almost since i joined I think)
I gotta tell you - sometimes I'm not sure how to feel about your posts - that's probably why I keep following - I like the thought provoking 'in your face' posts.
Thanks ;)

I yam what I yam.
not everyone likes me.
do I care?

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Interesting post!!!

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